[Reporter Chen Enhui/Taoyuan Report] A woman surnamed Ma from Taoyuan City drove her 2-year-old twin sons surnamed Guo at noon yesterday (19th) and stopped temporarily in front of a supermarket on Xingda Road, Guishan District. When it was locked, the twins were crying out of breath in the car. She was frightened and asked for help from the Guishan Branch of the Taoshi Police. Patrolling officers from the Dalin Police Station arrived at the scene and obtained the consent of the twins' father, the owner of the car, surnamed Guo. Chuang rescued the children and brought the lovely twins back to their mother's arms in a short while.

The Guishan Sub-bureau said that Yu Jiarong, a patrol officer of the Dalin Office, and Chen Guanyu, a police officer, received information that there were twin boys locked in a white car on Xingda Road, Guishan District, and rushed to the scene immediately. The two officers saw that the children had died Crying so hard that it would take a while to wait for the locksmith, so I contacted the owner of the car surnamed Guo to get permission and broke the window on the spot.

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The police said that when the window was broken, the mother was asked to help call the twin sons in the car to stay away from the window. The policeman tapped the corner of the window carefully with the tip of the baton on the spot to prevent the glass fragments from splashing and hurting the twins. The car was successfully smashed in just a few minutes. Window, rescued the trapped two children and handed them over to the mother, and released the locked-up panic of the twin sons.

Ma said that when the car was parked on the side of the road and wanted to enter the convenience store, the twins who were left in the car touched the car keys and the car was locked. The sons might be frightened and cried loudly in the car. The time in the car was too long and the oxygen was insufficient, so he had no choice but to ask the police for help.

Zeng Ruyi, director of the Dalin Police Station, reminded parents not to leave infants and young children in the car when getting off the car. Even if they leave for a short time, they must carry the keys with them, develop the habit of checking the back seat before getting out of the car, and lock the door after parking to prevent children from entering by mistake. , to avoid thermal injury caused by infants and young children in a closed car, and even lead to death.