How to properly store seedlings before planting in the soil

It all depends on the condition in which they were purchased.

If the seedlings are still "sleeping" (that is, the buds have not opened on them), they can be placed in a bag with slightly moistened sphagnum moss, peat or sawdust, then left in a dark and cool place.

It is very important to observe the correct temperature — it should be stable, at the level of +1 - +2 degrees.

If there are rotten roots or broken branches, they are first removed, and then treated with a fungicide.

Such seedlings are recommended to be checked weekly for the appearance of rot or mold.

If necessary, you can also change the soil in the package.

It is very important that it remains slightly moist.

If the seedlings have already "awakened", i.e. you see pale shoots with small leaves on them, it means that they have already started vegetation.

It is not worth buying them, because almost all internal reserves will be quickly used up and the plants will weaken before planting.

However, if this has already happened, then it is better to immediately plant the seedlings in a pot.

This way, you will create conditions as close as possible to natural ones by the time the plants get into the open ground.

In this case, low temperature and poor lighting are also required.

It is necessary to take care of seedlings in pots minimally, they are not fed, only occasionally moisten the ground.

Where can you store seedlings before planting

There are several places where you can easily create the right conditions (certain temperature, appropriate humidity, etc.).


  • compartment for vegetables in the refrigerator - optimal humidity and temperature regime, but suitable only for small seedlings, tubers or bulbs;

  • basement - here you can already store very large seedlings, for example, apple, apricot, pear, cherry, plum without the need for additional wrapping in film (the roots can be buried in wet sawdust) and maintain the temperature at +2-3 degrees;

  • the cellar - the optimal temperature (about 0 degrees) and humidity are maintained here, therefore, with proper ventilation, you can easily create the appropriate conditions.

If you have chosen a burial ground, it is important to ensure that the seedlings do not get gnawed by mice.

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