Lu Xiuyan talks about electricity prices.

(Photo by reporter Su Jinfeng)

[Reporter Su Jinfeng/Taichung Report] Taiwan is about to raise electricity prices. Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan asked the central government to pay attention today. Although people’s livelihood users may not increase, but there are users who have increased costs due to the adjustment of electricity prices. Increased costs will be passed on to consumption For those who are affected, prices may rise, which will affect the whole people. The central government should do a good job in monitoring prices.

Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan went to Quanyuan Park in Taichung City today to learn about the installation of water supply stations.

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Regarding Taipower’s plan to increase electricity prices, Lu Xiuyan said that although Taipower’s electricity price increases are graded, people’s livelihood users and certain degrees will not be raised, but she asks the central government to pay attention to the increased costs of users who have been raised due to the adjustment of electricity prices. When it comes to consumers, prices may rise, which will affect the whole people. We remind the central government to do a good job of monitoring prices, and don't let prices rise too much, which will affect people's livelihood and industry and commerce.