Xinyi Township, Nantou, was affected by the prolonged drought and lack of rain. The growth of green plums was not as expected.

(Photo by reporter Liu Binquan)

[Reporter Liu Binquan/Report from Nantou] Nantou’s mountainous area is suffering from severe drought and no rain. Although Xinyi Township, a major plum-producing town, has a good fruiting rate this year, due to the drought, the growth of green plums is generally small, and fruit drop occurs. Unless the plum garden is sprinkled with water, it can be maintained. The size of the fruit must be a certain size. According to the Xinyi Township Farmers Association, the drought has a great impact on the growth of greengage. The fruit with water will be larger, and the fruit with water shortage will be smaller. This year's harvest will show the polarization of "good and bad".

The Xinyi Township Farmers Association pointed out that the fruiting rate of green plums this year is pretty good, and fruits can be seen on the plum trees. However, in the past few months, the mountainous areas have been dry and less rainy, so the green plums to be purchased around Qingming are not too large, and only those that are continuously sprinkled with water In the plum orchard, greengage grows more normally and can still maintain its proper size.

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In addition, the drought also caused frequent plum fruit drop. Due to the lack of rain, many of them shriveled and fell, and small fruits could be seen on the plum garden.

According to the peasant association, most of the plum gardens in Xinyi Township are located in mountainous areas, and it is not easy for farmers to irrigate. This year’s drought has caused the size of green plums to polarize. The most direct impact is the purchase price. Disadvantages, Menon's harvest will be "good and bad".

Considering that greengage plums are generally small this year, the purchase schedule of farmers’ associations will be postponed until after the Ching Ming Festival holiday. I hope to buy time for the fruit to grow again, and hope that there will be rain in the spring or during the Qingming Festival, which will moisten the greengage and the dry land to a certain extent. Make farmers' harvests more stable.

Xinyi Township, Nantou, was affected by the prolonged drought and lack of rain. The growth of green plums was not as expected, and even fruit dropped.

(Photo by reporter Liu Binquan)