Times Power legislator and party chairman Wang Wanyu.

(provided by the power of the times)

[Reporter Yang Chengyu/Taipei Report] Times Power Legislator Wang Wanyu took over the post of party chairman earlier this month, and has also been interviewed by many media recently.

Wang Wanyu pointed out that people have different views on "how" to defend sovereignty and "how" to defend Taiwan, which is also the problem.

She pointed her guns at the DPP, pointing out that "resisting China and protecting Taiwan" as a symbol of loyalty checks makes people evil, and smearing and labeling those who express different opinions.

These emotional blackmail practices will not help social unity, but will only stink the "anti-China protection platform" and reduce the legitimacy of the country's normalization.

This is also the most disappointing aspect of the DPP's seven years in power.

Wang Wanyu said bluntly that in the past few years, with the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the sense of relative deprivation in society has become stronger and stronger. Even though the vested interests and ordinary people are in one country, they are divided into two worlds.

When the people feel that life is hard and one day counts as another, how can they devote more energy and do more things to defend Taiwan?

When a mother does not have to fight with cars, she can push a stroller and walk on the sidewalk with her children at ease; when young people can rent and afford houses; when the salaried class can share the fruits of economic growth; There is hope in the future, and our country will become stronger and stronger, and more and more capable of preventing aggressors from overstepping the barrier.

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Wang Wanyu then changed the subject and pointed out that resisting China in order to protect Taiwan is the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. However, what the Taiwanese people hate is that using "resist China and protect Taiwan" as a slogan actually colludes with government and businessmen to hollow out Taiwan's politicians.

What the people of Taiwan hate is that "anti-China protection Taiwan" is regarded as a symbol of loyalty inspection, and those who express different opinions are all smeared and labeled.

These emotional blackmail practices will not help social unity, but will only stink the "anti-China protection platform" and reduce the legitimacy of the country's normalization.

This is also the most disappointing aspect of the DPP's seven years in power.

Wang Wanyu mentioned that at that time, the DPP was trying to promote housing justice, labor insurance reform, distribution justice, and clean energy politics. When it clashed with the ruling DPP, some supporters frequently blamed it. He believes that talking about internal affairs and vigorously supervising the ruling party under the threat of China is a common passerby of the CCP.

She criticized that this kind of behavior of creating internal enemies is an act of using the anti-China protection Taiwan to seek political interests, but it is actually an act of harming Taiwan.

Wang Wanyu believes that the value of progress that promotes social progress takes care of the needs of the general public so that everyone is willing to unite and resist the current aggression for a better tomorrow.

This yearning hidden in everyone's heart is Taiwan's most powerful weapon and Taiwan's most important national defense.