The Ministry of Justice announced that the required number of prosecutors this year is 4-6.

(Photo by reporter Wu Zhengfeng)

[Reporter Wu Zhengfeng/Taipei Report] The Ministry of Justice announced on the 18th that this year’s number of prosecutors will be tentatively set at 4-6. Among them, 9 elected members of the Prosecutor’s Personnel Review Committee, which is responsible for proposing the shortlist, are soliciting applicants on the same day. They intend to recommend themselves or recommend them. Others should register with any elected committee member before March 31 after submitting relevant materials.

On the 18th, the Ministry of Justice launched the process of selecting the chief prosecutor. Nine elected members issued a joint announcement to openly handle the proposal for the selection and appointment of the chief prosecutor in 2023.

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The announcement pointed out that from now until 5:30 pm on March 31, the nine elected procuratorial committees will accept the application or signed recommendation of the procurator general candidate.

If someone recommends others, it should be noted that he or she has been consulted in advance. The elected review committee will also confirm the identity of the recommender one by one, and they will be included only if they are willing. If they express their unwillingness, they will not be included.

At 10:00 am on March 31, the nine democratically elected review committees will announce for the first time the list of all applicants and those who are willing to be recommended, the current position and the period of the judicial officer, so that prosecutors across the country can check for omissions and correctness.

After the registration deadline at 5:30 p.m. on the same day, the committee members will announce the final summary of all registrations and the list of those who are willing to be recommended, the current position and the period of the judicial officer as soon as possible.

Candidates who apply to the voting review committee after the deadline are still qualified as candidates in accordance with the law, but whether they evade the public evaluation of national prosecutors and widely solicit opinions will be included in the scope of consideration by the democratically elected review committee.

The elected committee will hold a pre-meeting meeting on April 13 (Thursday) to discuss the shortlist, and on April 14 (Friday) the formal review committee meeting will submit the shortlist proposed by the elected committee to all review committee members for discussion and consideration. deliberate.

Interested applicants should email the application form to the elected committee members.

The format of the application form is not limited, but it must include the name, current position and service unit, past service units and professional titles; it is preferable to provide the deeds or qualifications of being a competent prosecutor.

Those who recommend others must sign the recommendation and add that they have consulted whether they want to or not.

Those who have already applied to the Supreme People's Procuratorate or the Personnel Office of the Higher People's Procuratorate do not need to apply to the voting review committee.