The Kuomintang Selection Committee announced the termination of its operations. Lu Xiuyan said that reforms can be made if mistakes are made, and she personally affirms it.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

[Reporter Cai Shuyuan/Taichung Report] The list of the Kuomintang’s “Central Election Strategy Report” has sparked high social controversy. Faced with the party’s request to disband, the Kuomintang Secretary-General Huang Jianting announced today that it will cease operations with immediate effect. Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan said in an interview that this is a good direction , If you do something wrong, you can reform, personally express your affirmation.

The selection committee will be terminated, and the nomination of legislators will return to the original nomination mechanism within the party, and then sent to the central nomination committee for approval. The nomination committee will be convened by the party chairman Zhu Lilun and will invite important opinion leaders including county mayors.

The media then asked if Lu Xiuyan would join if invited?

Lu Xiuyan responded that now she only knows that the selection committee will be abolished, and she doesn't know the future direction. However, the selection committee is the secretary-general's staff, not the party's central staff, and will not reach the county or mayor level.

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The Kuomintang Central Standing Committee passed the Central Election Strategy Report on the 15th of this month. The candidates include legislators Fu Kunyu, former Tainan City Speaker Li Quanjiao and others. After Zhu Lilun approved 10 members, Secretary-General Huang Jianting served as the convener. The members also included Zhou Xiwei, Qiu Jingchun, Zhuang Qiwang, Huang Mingong, Liu Zhenghong, and the newly hired Zeng Mingzong and Huang Zhaoshun were new members, and some of the lists were controversial.

After participating in the Panshi meeting today, Lu Xiuyan pointed out in an interview that the termination of the operation of the selection committee is a good direction. If it is not good, it must be encouraged, and if it is done well, it must be affirmed.