The water situation in Yushan Park is severe, and the amount of water extracted from the mountain stream by Paiyun Mountain Villa has become smaller and smaller. In order to avoid depletion, drinking water has been changed to a limited supply. Mountain friends can carry their own drinking water up the mountain.

(Provided by Yuguan Office)

[Reporter Liu Binquan/Report from Nantou] Long-term drought and no rain, the water situation in Yushan is severe. The Paiyun Villa, a relay station on the main peak line of Yushan Mountain, has recently been able to draw less and less water from the mountain stream. In order to avoid depletion, the drinking water in Paiyun Villa will be limited. Each person only takes 1,200 Sixi per day, and the rest encourages mountain friends to carry the water up the mountain. I hope that the mountain friends will "fight with the back water" in times of difficulty, prolong the use of the mountain stream, and wait until the rainy season comes to relieve the water situation.

The management office of Yushan National Park stated that the water source of Paiyun Villa now relies on the mountain stream below the villa, but the amount of water in the mountain stream is only half of what it used to be. , Hot water can only be taken 3 times a day, 400 Xixi each time, if you still need drinking water, you can carry the water up the mountain by yourself, or bring your own stove to burn mountain spring water.

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In addition, Paiyun Mountain Villa has also launched a water-saving battle for unified food supply. After canceling the use of lids and bowls and switching to serving plates for serving dishes, it will also switch to disposable tableware to reduce the consumption of washing water. It is currently suspended To use the toilets in the villa, mountaineers must use the outdoor toilets uniformly, and clean them by scooping water to replace the indoor water-consuming flush toilets to save water. Mountaineers are urged to consider the severe water conditions in mountainous areas. If you think the water conditions in mountainous areas If the water condition is not good, it will be inconvenient to climb the mountain. It is also possible to wait until the water condition eases in the future before going up the mountain.

The water situation in Yushan Park is severe, and the drinking water of Paiyun Villa has been changed to a limited supply.

(Provided by Yuguan Office)