Confucius' prowess at the level of understanding the sky... in the novel version of the Three Kingdoms, the scholar remarked that

The story that adds to the truth, deceitfully compliments himself...

Luo Guan Zong, the people of the era overthrown Yuan and revive Ming.

who is good at the level called Confucius Little Liang

In the book Lo Kuan Chong, the creator of the Three Kingdoms (Boonsak Saengravee, translated by Saeng Dao Publishing, 2020), there is a chapter that demonstrates this ability.

Filling in a single line of letters can save lives of good people.

At that time, Luo Guan Chong was an inspector general.

There is a duty to be on duty in the district where the case happened...just right.

Officers arrested Li'er.

book story teller

with his daughter to be brought to trial

to decide the punishment for jointly killing Wu Gui

Suzhou's richest man

Deceive to read the indictment

“Miss Li saw her father being attacked by Wu Gui.

His face was shattered and his blood flowed.

It is likely to be fatal.

Beside him lay a firewood knife.

then took a knife and killed Wu Gui.” The content of the indictment is correct and concise

Lo Guan Zhong asked for some time to investigate the story...he found that

The death of the wealthy Wu Gui

Instead of the people of Suzhou being sad

But hardly any Suzhou residents cry.

Acquired Wu Gui as a flirtatious millionaire

Slutty you

His son's wife is no exception.

The trigger of the story happened when Wu Gui went to a bookstore.

Hear stories from storytelling artist Li Er.

His ears listened, but his eyes glanced at Miss Li.

Daughter Li'er's appearance was very beautiful, and she was very pleased.

That evening, Wu Gui went to see Li Er hired to tell a story in a book to a friend who had arranged to come to the party.

Li'er went to the appointment.

To his surprise, the whole house was empty.

no one came

but this is a job

Li'er waited an hour.

In fact... this story, Wu Gui used a plan to lure the tiger out of the cave.

tricked Li'er out of the house

Himself gardening the way to find his daughter

Pretending to ask for father

and then began to molest

Miss Li didn't make up her mind.

run away into the room

Wugui ran after him to wrestle.

Lady Li shouted for help when her father's son was in dire need and returned home.

Seeing the incident, he was very angry.

But the storyteller is younger than the fragile figure.

fasting status

Who will fight with Wu Kui, a 60-year-old millionaire, living well, eating well, being strong and tall?

Wu Gui punched Li'er, his face bleeding.


Caught straddling the body repeatedly punching

Miss Li saw it and was shocked.

Hanri turned around and saw a knife cutting firewood near his hand.

grabbed and ran into the back teeth

The moment Wu Gui turned to the knife

The knife then hit Wu Gui Bae's head and died on the spot.

This type of murder case

According to the law of that era, there was a single death penalty.

Even though the nature of the crime

There will be a reason to relax

But the law was not written.

Luo Guanjong came up with a way to help...he asked for some time to read the case alone.

Soon he saw the way.

Take out the paintbrush and fill in the word "use".

This single dash, according to Chinese, makes the word "use" change to the word "throw".

The weight of using a knife to show the will to kill... but when the case record was changed to "throwing", throwing the knife showed anger.

But the weight of the throwing words reduces the "killing intent".

It's time to settle the case.

The sheriff considered according to the rhetoric...the death penalty was justified.

reduced to one year imprisonment

But the reduction of the death penalty to this level has never been done.

There was a voice calling out this decision.

But the weight of the hatred of millionaires is greater.

The case in which Lor Guan Chong, Little Confucius, played an important part in using his wisdom to help was ended.

Some cities are not near and far.

I heard the news of the case helping a millionaire.

...Compared to Wu Gui's story, it's reversed.

there was a murmur

That house, that city is full of bad things.

There are almost no organizations left to maintain fairness.

Kilen competes