• Diabetes is the cause of

    Nerve disease

    the most common

    People with diabetes are more than 50% more likely to develop peripheral neuropathy.

  • People with

    peripheral neuropathy 

    The pain is often described as stabbing, burning, or like a crawling insect.

    Most symptoms improved

    when properly treated

  • Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy

    It doesn't seem harsh.

    But if left

    Unknowingly it can cause wounds.

    have an infection

    Including falls and falls

    from postural disorders

    can result in injury

Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy

is a disease of the peripheral nervous system.

This results from damage to the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.

It can be caused by injury, infection, metabolic problems.

toxic exposure

And the most common cause is diabetes.

This causes weakness, numbness and pain, which usually occurs in the hands and feet.

It may also affect organs and bodily functions such as the digestive system.

Urinary excretion

and blood circulation

people with peripheral neuropathy

The pain is often described as stabbing, burning, or like a crawling insect.

Most symptoms improved

when properly treated

Peripheral nerves have specific functions.

Therefore, the symptoms will depend on the type of nerve affected:

  • Sensory nerves

    The nerves that connect to the skin.

    that cause sensations such as temperature, pain, vibration

    or touch

  • motor nerves

    nerves that connect muscles

    control of muscle movements

  • Autonomic nerves

    The nerves that connect internal organs.

    It regulates organ functions such as blood pressure, sweating, heart rate, digestion and bladder function.

  • peripheral neuropathy

    Common symptoms include:

    • Initial numbness, tingling, or tingling in the feet or hands

      which can spread to the legs and arms

    • It felt like being pierced by a sharp object.

      or burning pain

    • very sensitive to touch

    • Pain during activities that shouldn't cause pain, such as foot pain when applying weight

      or under a blanket

    • Loss of balance and falling easily

    • muscle weakness

    • Feeling like you are wearing gloves or socks when you are not wearing them

    • Paralysis if nerve impulses

      severely injured

    • intolerance to heat

    • Excessive sweating or inability to sweat

    • Bowel and bladder problems

      or digestive system

    • drop in blood pressure

      causing dizziness or fainting

    Causes of peripheral neuropathy

    peripheral neuropathy

    It is nerve damage caused by various conditions.

    Factors that may increase the risk of disease include:

    • autoimmune disease

      including Sjogren's syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome

      Guillain-barre syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and necrotizing vasculitis.

    • Diabetes is the most common cause.

      People with diabetes are more than 50% more likely to develop peripheral neuropathy.

    • Infections, either viral or bacterial, such as Lyme disease, shingles, epsteinbar virus infection

      Epstein-barr virus, hepatitis B and C, leprosy, diphtheria and HIV infection.

    • genetics, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

      which is a hereditary neurological disease

    • tumor and cancer

      that spreads to the nerve or presses on the nerve

    • bone marrow disorders

      Monoclonal gammopathies (monoclonal gammopathies) and bone cancer


    • Other diseases include kidney disease, liver disease, connective tissue disorders.

      and underactive thyroid disease


    • alcoholism

      May lead to vitamin deficiency

    • exposure to toxic substances such as lead and mercury

    • certain medications, especially those used to treat cancer (chemotherapy)

    • Nerve compression injury from an accident, fall, or playing sports

      that can damage peripheral nerves

      It may also be caused by pressure from the cast or use of crutches.

    • Deficiencies of vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin E and niacin, which are important for nerves.

    Complications caused by peripheral neuropathy

    • Wounds on the skin

      because the patient feels numb

      Resulting in no pain until severe wounds

    • infection when wounds occur

      It can lead to infection unknowingly.

      Therefore, the patient should regularly take care of the numb area.

      and treat minor injuries before they become infected.

      especially diabetic patients

    • Falling, muscle weakness and loss of sensation

      May cause the body to lose balance and fall easily.

    Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy

    The doctor will take a history and symptoms.

    Then examine the body, especially the affected area.

    including blood tests to determine the cause

    In addition, additional examinations may be sent as follows:

    • Check nerve function (NCV) with electrical stimulation.

      by bringing electrodes (Electrode) attached to the skin

      to measure signal velocity and nerve strength

    • Electromyographic (EMG) examination by inserting a needle through the skin

      to measure the electrical activity of the muscles

      may be performed in conjunction with nerve function tests

    • X-Ray (X-Ray)

    • Computed tomography (CT-Scan)

    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    • Examine other nervous system functions

    Treatment of peripheral neuropathy

    Treatment of peripheral neuropathy

    Aims to alleviate symptoms.

    By treating the disease or condition that causes it as follows

    • Pain relievers such as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for mild cases

    • Opioid-containing prescription-only medications

      Used for treatment in case of ineffective treatment by other methods

    • topical medications, such as ointments or pastes

      to reduce pain

    • Using electrical nerve stimulation through the skin

      (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) to reduce pain.

      It generally took about 30 minutes a day for a period of 1 month.

    • lymphatic exchange

      Plasmapheresis is the removal of antibodies and proteins from the blood.

      and bring the filtered blood back into the body

      (Some cases may vary from patient to patient.)

    • Immunoglobulin (Intravenous immunoglobulin) Patients receive high levels of protein.

      that act like antibodies

      to suppress the immune system

      In the case of patients with inflammation

      (Some cases may differ from patient to patient.)

    • surgery to relieve pressure

      In case the patient is caused by nerve compression, such as compression from a tumor

    • physical therapy to help improve movement of the body

      Including the use of crutches, walking sticks, wheelchairs or walking aids.

    6 ways to reduce nerve pain

  • Eat foods rich in vitamins such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

    and low fat protein

    to keep nerves strong

  • Exercise regularly, at least 30-60 minutes, 3 times a week.

  • Taking a warm bath improves blood circulation.

    Reduce numbness and pain.

  • Refrain from moving around the affected area.

    to reduce nerve pain

    If you are afraid that you will accidentally

    Bandages may be applied to the painful part.

  • change positions often

    due to nerve compression problems

    It is caused by the same movement repeatedly.

  • If the pain is severe

    cannot be alleviated by other methods

    May take pain medication

    Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen are available. However, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

    because the drug may affect the body or the disease that is being

  • peripheral neuropathy

    It is a popular disease of people in the digital age.

    who spends time with sitting in the same posture

    Go with a smartphone up to 7-8 hours a day with the habit of sitting and using the wrist repeatedly.

    It can result in pain and numbness in the hands and feet.

    It doesn't seem harsh.

    But if left

    Unknowingly it can cause wounds.

    have an infection

    Including falls and falls

    from postural disorders

    can result in injury

    If there is a risk of developing peripheral neuropathy

    should receive regular annual health checks

    when abnormal symptoms are found

    should hurry to see a doctor

    for diagnosis and treatment

    to reduce possible peripheral nerve damage

    The most important thing is to take care of your health.

    including behavior modification

    that may result in nerve compression

    Article by : Dr. Thaninchitra Poonpetphan, M.D.

    Neurology Specialist at Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital