The police will immediately implement "Strengthening Traffic Safety Law Enforcement".

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[Reporter Zhou Minhong/Taoyuan Report] The Taoyuan City Government Police Department will implement "Enhanced Traffic Safety Law Enforcement" until the 24th, targeting drunk driving, non-stop yielding to pedestrians at intersections, unlicensed locomotive driving, running red lights, not wearing safety helmets, and speeding , and non-signalized intersections that fail to follow the signs, markings, and signals to stop and then drive, strengthen inspections and bans, hoping to reduce accidents between motorcycles and the elderly.

Lin Dingtai, head of the Traffic Police Division of the Municipal Police Department, said that the main cause of death in traffic accidents this year is that the driver did not pay attention to the situation in front of the vehicle, followed by pedestrians crossing the road illegally and failing to give way at intersections.

In order to effectively reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents and improve the safety of pedestrians on the road, the police will continue to implement "Strengthening Traffic Safety Law Enforcement" before the 24th. Passers-by must not defy the law.

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The police will strengthen the crackdown on 7 violations such as running a red light. Among them, "stopping and driving at non-signatured intersections without following signs, markings, and signals" requires drivers to drive on side roads and must stop to confirm that there are no vehicles or pedestrians on the transverse arterial road. , in order to start again and pass the intersection, hoping to establish a good habit of driving politely.