Half of Bulgarians suffer from drought and waterlessness, and the other from floods.

However, we all pay dearly and too dearly already for water, but we receive poor service, and from the taps of most households flows a muddy, yellow, green and ... golden liquid.

There are neither regulatory nor supervisory bodies to curb the outrages committed by local water companies.

And because whatever they want, the state gives it to them without any objections,

the price of water increased by nearly 40 percent in just one year.

That is why recently the ombudsman Diana Kovacheva with reason

Diana Kovacheva was born in Sofia in 1975. She graduated in law from Sofia University "St. Kliment asked how many Bulgarians received "water aid". I admit that I have not heard of such lucky ones, I don't know about you. But I hope the ombudsman to make public what the managers of our common money answered her.

It is no secret that the prices of all goods and services are galloping at a furious speed in our country, and speculation is spreading, but the authorities are helplessly snapping their fingers and wondering how to control these processes.

So far, apart from hollow explanations, clarifications and comments on the situation as it is, there is nothing else.

However, this does not warm anyone, especially most citizens whose salaries have not been updated according to the over 20 percent real inflation.

Who does it help if someone appears in the media and says, "Yes, it's very expensive"!

We know it ourselves, we see it and feel it on our backs.

Even the official statistics admitted that over 75 percent of Bulgarians can no longer make ends meet and barely cover their monthly expenses.

They include salty water bills in Popovo as well, from where they warned today that their village is at risk of another flood.

And in Plevensko and Loveshko, where over 30,000 people are threatened by drought and waterlessness.

It is the same in many other places in the Motherland.

All this only shows me how the state and the representatives of its institutions do not care about the people and their problems.

One of them is the increased price of water, and they are entitled to "water benefits", according to the Law on the Regulation of Water Supply and Sewerage Services.

The right to support is regulated for 2.8 cubic meters per person.

Diana Kovacheva



