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Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev

Ivan Stoimenov Geshev was born on December 19, 1970.

He completed his higher legal education in met with the Ambassador of France to Bulgaria Mr. Joel Meyer and Mr. Pierre de Mont, Liaison Magistrate for the "Balkans" region based in Bucharest.

During the conversation, the three discussed criminal law cooperation between Bulgaria and France and issues of mutual interest.

The traditionally good relations and excellent cooperation between law enforcement and law enforcement agencies of the two countries were highlighted.

Ivan Geshev: Adequate legislation is needed to fight crime, including domestic violence

Глaвният пpoĸypop Ивaн Гeшeв потвърди гoтoвнocттa нa бългapcĸaтa пpoĸypaтypa зa aĸтивнo cътpyдничecтвo c eвpoпeйcĸитe пapтньopи във вpъзĸa c aĸтyaлнaтa мeждyнapoднa oбcтaнoвĸa и пpoизтичaщитe oт нeя пpeдизвиĸaтeлcтвa пpeд пpaвopaздaвaтeлнитe opгaни.

Ivan Geshev