A light aircraft crashed at Shunfeng Airfield in Xizhou Township, Changhua County at around 3:00 p.m. today, killing two people on board.

The picture shows the scene.

(provided by the public)

First post: 16:13

Update time: 16:22 (2 new deaths)

[Reporter Yan Hongjun/Changhua Report] A light aircraft crashed at the Shunfeng Airfield in Xizhou Township, Changhua County at 3:00 p.m. today. There were 2 people on board. The light aircraft made an emergency landing beside the Zhuoshui River embankment. Seeing the fire, the fire brigade rushed to search and rescue. It was reported earlier that the two people on board had unfortunately died.

Changhua Light Aircraft crash site.

(provided by the public)