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What is included in the consumer basket and what are the prices of basic food products.

The Bulgarian must set aside between 50 and 150 BGN extra because of the increased prices of the goods.

Some basic products in our country are more expensive than those in some European countries, as well as in those outside the community.

Both in our country and in Great Britain, a rise in the prices of basic food products is noticeable.

After an inquiry by BNT to residents of the United Kingdom, they shared that the price for a liter of oil has reached nearly BGN 6. An egg is about 75 cents, and a liter of milk is about BGN 3. For a kilogram of oil, the British pay an average of BGN 20, and for A kilogram of flour is just under BGN 4. The price of a kilogram of cheese is around BGN 28.

After researching the prices of basic food products in various member states of the European Union, drastic differences are visible.

Thus, for a liter of oil in Germany they pay a little over BGN 5, and in Spain BGN 6.

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An egg in the Federal Republic is 80 cents per piece, and in the Pyrenees it costs 60 cents.

A drastic price can be seen in both countries for a liter of milk, more than one lev.

Thus, a liter of milk in Germany costs 3.50 cents, and in Spain it is only 2 BGN.

The difference in the price per kilogram of butter in the two countries is BGN 4. For flour, approximately 50 cents per kilogram is noticeable, but for cheese, the difference is about BGN 10.

In Bulgaria, the prices of goods from producer to consumer increase by 40-50%, and in some cases even up to 100%.

After the record high prices of a year ago for a liter of oil, we can now buy it for just over BGN 4.

But for eggs, the increase is a record.

Thus, the Bulgarian already pays between 60 and 80 cents for an egg.

For dairy products, experts also report a big rise.

A liter of milk exceeds BGN 3, and butter is over BGN 32 per kilogram.

Against the background of other countries, the price of flour in our country is almost twice as low - 1.70 per kg., as well as cheese, which is a little under BGN 20 per kg.