On Thursday, March 16,


will have warm weather, but with precipitation.

There will be ice and fog in places.

This was reported in the Ukrhydrometeorological center.

It will be cloudy with clearings in the regions.

Wet snow is forecast in the west.

In Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia regions - rain.

In the north - a little rain.

However, there is no significant precipitation in the rest of the territory.

In the western regions, there is ice in places.

In most of the southern and central regions, there is fog at night and in the morning.

The wind is mainly northwesterly at 7-12 m/s.

At night,

 the temperature will be between 0° and 5° in most areas. 

Forecasters forecast 8-13° of heat during the day

 , and only +4-9° in the western and northern regions.

Photo: Ukrhydrometeorological center

Weather forecast in Kyiv region

In the region on March 16, March will be cloudy with clearing.

There will be no significant precipitation at night, but it will rain during the day.

North-west wind speed, 7-12 m/s.

At night, the air temperature in 

the Kyiv region 

will be 0-5°C, during the day - 4-9°C.



 , thermometers will show 2-4° of heat at night, and rise to +5-7° during the day.

We will remind you that

the weather has been changing very rapidly in Ukraine for the past few days


The trend is approaching that positive temperatures will soon prevail.

However, now at night there is a stable slight minus practically throughout the entire territory of the country.

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