The National Development Council estimates that Taiwan's talent demand in 2030 will increase by 681,000 mid-level technical talent vacancies.

The picture shows the students of the IC packaging industry practical talent training class established by Zhengxiu University of Science and Technology and ASE are implementing on the production line.

(Information photo, provided by the Ministry of Education)

National Development Council: Taiwan will add more than 680,000 mid-level technical jobs by 2030

[Reporter Yang Mianjie/Taipei Report] Entering the school entrance season, many people are worried about how to choose their volunteers. According to the National Development Council's estimate, Taiwan's talent demand will increase by 68 in 2030.

The 10,000 vacancies for mid-level technical talents are all practical talents who need professional skills. The academic circles also believe that the world is scrambling for talents in professional fields, especially engineering, information and other science and engineering fields. Kong Ji, if he can use a foreign language as an assistant, he will be able to give full play to his advantages.

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Technological information professionals are scrambling all over the world

The senior three students have just completed the registration recommended by Fanxing, and are starting to choose the department for personal application.

According to the National Development Council estimates, sixty-eight.

There are 10,000 vacancies for mid-level technical talents, and the manufacturing sector accounts for 30% of the industry sector. It is the main industry that absorbs manpower in my country. Especially with the future industrial intelligence and digital innovation, it will have an effect on the demand for related talents; In addition, if the health care category in the service industry grows the fastest, the proportion of manpower will increase ○.


Wei Jiahui, CEO of, suggested that high school vocational students can lock in the six university groups of engineering, information, management, foreign language, finance and medicine and health, and even ordinary high school students can also enter the science and technology through the "four skills application" channel University, early for employment slots.

Wei Jiahui gave an example. Smart manufacturing, information and communication, semiconductors and other related industries can provide high scholarships and internship subsidies through industry-university cooperation. For example, electrical and electronics, chemical industry, machinery, power machinery and other categories, the demand for talents in the industry continues to increase. In the future, each person Can correspond to three to five job opportunities.

In addition, talent in medical care, foreign trade and language communication, and business school talents in business management, international trade, and e-commerce are not easily replaced.

Taiwan University of Science and Technology Provost Chen Sufen also agrees that information and engineering fields are indeed scrambling for talents all over the world, and the shortage of jobs will continue.

In the past, many high school students never thought of HKUST as an option, but they have recently begun to be attracted, because they learned that through cooperation with the industry, technical staff can directly use the industry's software and hardware for implementation, and with the participation of senior professional teachers in teaching, they can seamlessly integrate after graduation , is relatively guaranteed, and in terms of internships, the salary of HKUST internships is generally much better than that of ordinary universities. These are important incentives.

Fill in the volunteer with expertise as the main language, supplemented

Liu Yide, International Director of National Taiwan Normal University, suggested that students should choose their specialties as the main consideration in the selection of volunteers. Artificial intelligence is very developed, and the conversion of language and text has become easier and faster. Therefore, it is ideal to start with the expertise and match the required language.