The Taichung City Police Department announced today the personnel changes of up to 125 police officers.

(file photo)

[Reporter Xu Guozhen/Taichung Report] A big change in personnel affairs!

The Taichung City Police Department conducted a comprehensive review based on the principles of ethics, professional ability, work performance, development potential, job ethics, and internal and external experience of each qualified candidate after a meeting. A total of 125 personnel transfers have been approved for positions such as police officers, guard captains, police officers, inspectors, and directors, which is so large that it has rarely been seen in previous years.

In addition to announcing the list of personnel changes today, the Municipal Police Department also stipulates that they will assume new positions on March 10 (Friday).

Please read on...

The list of changes in Taichung City Police Department is as follows:

serial number

new position


original position

exam preparation


Inspector of the Bureau's Inspectorate

Zheng Zhengren

Specialist of the Logistics Section of this bureau (fourth sequence)


Specialist of the Logistics Section of this bureau (fourth sequence)

Lu Songlin

Deputy Chief of the Fourth Division


Deputy Chief of the Fourth Division

Zhang Minghui

Deputy Director of Wufeng Branch


Deputy Director of Wufeng Branch

Zheng Youming

Deputy Chief of Taiping Bureau


Deputy Chief of Taiping Bureau

Xiao Xucheng

Deputy Chief of Dajia Branch


Deputy Chief of Dajia Branch

Guo Guojin

Captain of the Investigation Team of the Dajia Sub-bureau


Commissioner of the Secretary's Office of the Bureau (fifth sequence)

Guo Jianling

Commissioner of the Bureau's Secretary's Office (fifth sequence)


Commissioner of the Bureau's Secretary's Office (Fourth Sequence)

Chen Guoyuan

Deputy Chief of the Sixth Branch


Deputy Chief of the Sixth Branch

Xie Mingde

Deputy Chief of the Second Division


Deputy Chief of the Second Division

Yu Juncan

Deputy Chief of Dajia Branch


Deputy Chief of Dajia Branch

Chen Gufeng

Captain of the First Precinct Scouting Team


Specialist of the Bureau's Security Division (Fourth Sequence)

Li Dechuan

Secretary of the Bureau's Secretary's Office


Secretary of the Bureau's Secretary's Office

Liu Zhonghe

Deputy Chief of the Sixth Branch


Deputy Chief of the Sixth Branch

Huang Youfu

Deputy Chief of the Second Division


Deputy Chief of the Second Division

Cai Yimin

Deputy Director of Wuri Branch


Deputy Director of Wuri Branch

Liao Shaohuang

Deputy Chief of Criminal Police Brigade


Specialist of the Public Relations Office of this bureau (fourth sequence)

Zhang Tiansheng

Deputy Chief of the Fifth Division

serial number

new position


original position

exam preparation


Deputy Chief of the Fifth Division

Li Juemin

Deputy Chief of the Third Division


Deputy Chief of the Third Division

Li Ruixiong

Deputy Director of Shimizu Bureau


Deputy Director of Shimizu Bureau

Lin Mingyao

Captain of the investigation team of Shimizu Bureau

twenty one

Deputy Chief of the First Division

Chen Hongbin

Deputy Director of Fengyuan Branch

twenty two

Deputy Director of Fengyuan Branch

Lin Lixin

Deputy Director of Dongshi Branch

twenty three

Deputy Director of Dongshi Branch

Yang Youteng

Metropolitan Police Captain

twenty four

Metropolitan Police Captain

Cai Jinsheng

Head of the Inspection Team of the Fifth Branch


Captain of the First Precinct Scouting Team

Tu Zhihong

Criminal Police Brigade Investigative First Team Captain


Criminal Police Brigade Investigative First Team Captain

Xie Yuexi

Criminal Police Brigade Administrative Team Leader


Criminal Police Brigade Administrative Team Leader

Chen Wenhu

Captain of the Taiping Investigation Team


Captain of the Taiping Investigation Team

Zhong Jiangui

Chief of the Prevention Team of the Criminal Police Brigade


Chief of the Prevention Team of the Criminal Police Brigade

Li Zhencheng

Captain of the 3rd Precinct Scouting Team


Captain of the 3rd Precinct Scouting Team

Yang Zhiyuan

Captain of the 6th Investigation Team of the Criminal Police Brigade


Captain of the 6th Investigation Team of the Criminal Police Brigade

Jin Guiming

Criminal Police Brigade Commissioner


Criminal Police Brigade Commissioner

Zeng Zijian

Investigation by the Sixth Investigation Brigade of the Criminal Police Department of the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior

Please call this bureau for record


Captain of the 2nd Precinct Scouting Team

Zhuo Jiaxing

Captain of the 4th Precinct Scouting Team


Captain of the 4th Precinct Scouting Team

Jiang Qingwan

Director of the Service Command Center of the Criminal Police Brigade

serial number

new position


original position

exam preparation


Director of the Service Command Center of the Criminal Police Brigade

Huang Xinzhi

Captain of the Sixth Precinct Investigation Team


Captain of the Sixth Precinct Investigation Team

Zhang Hanzhang

Captain of the investigation team of Wufeng Branch


Captain of the investigation team of Wufeng Branch

Xu Xuanming

Captain of the Investigation Team of the Wuri Branch


Captain of the Investigation Team of the Wuri Branch

Zhan Qianqi

Head of the Anti-Theft Team of the Criminal Police Brigade


Head of the Anti-Theft Team of the Criminal Police Brigade

Li Zhaoqing

Director of the Service Command Center of the Security Police Brigade


Captain of the investigation team of Shimizu Bureau

You Qiming

Chief of Technology Crime Investigation Team of Criminal Police Brigade


Chief of Technology Crime Investigation Team of Criminal Police Brigade

Shi Mingzhi

Criminal Police Brigade Commissioner


Criminal Police Brigade Commissioner

Tang Huizheng

The Bureau's Criminal Forensic Center Police Department


Captain of the Investigation Team of the Dajia Sub-bureau

Chen Zongkai

Captain of the investigation team of Daya Branch


Captain of the investigation team of Daya Branch

Chen Junyan

Captain of the investigation team of Fengyuan Branch


Captain of the investigation team of Fengyuan Branch

Xie Zhiyuan

Chief of the Economic Team of the Criminal Police Brigade


Chief of the Economic Team of the Criminal Police Brigade

Wu Bokuan

The investigation team of the Seventh Investigation Brigade of the Criminal Police Department of the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior

Please call this bureau for record


Director of the Service Command Center of the Security Police Brigade

Wu Minghua

Criminal Police Brigade Judiciary Team Leader


Criminal Police Brigade Judiciary Team Leader

Cheng Lianzhi

Criminal Police Brigade Commissioner


Director of the Service Command Center of the Fifth Branch

Liu Yanheng

Director of the Secretary's Office of the Fifth Branch


Director of the Secretary's Office of the Third Branch

Zhou Zhicheng

Leader of the Security Team of the Third Branch


Leader of the Security Team of the Third Branch

Jian Songwu

Director of the Secretary's Office of the Third Branch

serial number

new position


original position

exam preparation


Director of Secretary Office of Daya Branch

Su Sun Zhong

Daya branch security team leader


Daya branch security team leader

Gao Meifang

Director of Secretary Office of Daya Branch


Director of Secretary Office of Dajia Branch

Zheng Shengfang

Leader of the Security Team of Dajia Branch


Leader of the Security Team of Dajia Branch

Liu Xunzao

Director of Secretary Office of Dajia Branch


Head of Publicity Unit, Crime Prevention Division, Bureau

Guo Jinhong

Head of Security and Civil Defense Team of Wuri Branch


Head of Security and Civil Defense Team of Wuri Branch

Lu Jiaxiu

Head of Publicity Unit, Crime Prevention Division, Bureau


Head of the Inspection Team of the Fifth Branch

Zhong Wenwen

Head of the Inspection Team of the Wuri Sub-bureau


Head of the Inspection Team of the Wuri Sub-bureau

Xie Qicai

Head of the News Section of the Public Relations Office of the Bureau


Head of the News Section of the Public Relations Office of the Bureau

Zeng Zhiyong

The police officer of the Public Relations Office of the Bureau


Head of the Inspection Team of the Sixth Branch

Song Junyi

Leader of the inspection team of Fengyuan Branch


Leader of the inspection team of Fengyuan Branch

Chen Wensheng

Director of the Inspection Team of Dongshi Branch


Director of the Inspection Team of Dongshi Branch

Zhuang Ruibin

Head of the Inspection Team of the Peace Bureau


Head of the Inspection Team of the Peace Bureau

Hong Kunbao

Leader of the Inspection Team of Dajia Branch


Leader of the Inspection Team of Dajia Branch

Huang Jiacheng

The police officer of the Personnel Office of the Bureau (supporting the Deputy Director Wei's office)


The police officer of the Personnel Office of the Bureau (supporting the Deputy Director Wei's office)

Zhang Shijie

Inspectorate Office Police Department


Inspectorate Office Police Department

Cai Yiru

The Police Department of the Secretary's Office


The Police Training Division of the Bureau

Yan Bojie

The police department of the logistics department of this bureau

serial number

new position


original position

exam preparation


Police Department of Civil Defense Control Center

Yang Jing

The police department of the logistics department of this bureau


The police department of the logistics department of this bureau

Liu Yuanyu

The police officer of the Personnel Office of the Bureau (supporting the Traffic Police Brigade)


The police officer of the Personnel Office of the Bureau (supporting the Traffic Police Brigade)

Chen Guangyao

Police officer of the Security Division of the Bureau (supporting the Traffic Police Brigade)


The Police Department of the Secretary's Office

Chen Baicheng

The police officer of the Personnel Office of the Bureau (supporting the Traffic Police Brigade)


The police officer of the Personnel Office of the Bureau (supporting the Traffic Police Brigade)

Dai Wanxiang

The Police Department of the Secretary's Office


Criminal Police Brigade Commissioner

Cheung Shing Kee

Police Constable and Director of Xitun Police Station of the Sixth Branch (Seventh Sequence)


The Police Department of the Security Division of the Bureau

Xie Shangzhi

Sixth Precinct Police Officer


The police officer of the Public Relations Office of the Bureau

Xu Mingda

Captain of the Sixth Precinct


Police Constable and Director of Xitun Police Station of the Sixth Branch (Seventh Sequence)

Zhang Junyi

Police Constable and Director of the East Branch of the Third Branch (Seventh Sequence)


Police Constable and Director of the East Branch of the Third Branch (Seventh Sequence)

Liao Wenxiong

Police Constable and Director of Taiping Police Station, Taiping Sub-bureau (Seventh Sequence)


Police officer and director of Taiping Police Station, Taiping Sub-bureau (eighth sequence)

Luo Mingzhong

Police officer and director of Toujia Police Station, Daya Branch (eighth sequence)


Police officer and director of Toujia Police Station, Daya Sub-bureau (seventh sequence)

Liu Kaiping

Police officer and director of Wuqi Branch of Qingshui Bureau (seventh sequence)


Police officer and director of Wuqi Branch of Qingshui Bureau (eighth sequence)

Lin Yixin

Dongshi Branch Police Constable (Eighth Sequence)


Captain of the Sixth Precinct

Xie Junxiong

Police Constable and Director of the Municipal Police Station of the Sixth Branch (Seventh Sequence)


Police Constable and Director of the Municipal Police Station of the Sixth Branch (Eighth Sequence)

Zeng Yifeng

Police officer and director of Dadun Police Station of the Fourth Branch (eighth sequence)


Police Constable and Director of Dadun Police Station of the Fourth Branch (Seventh Sequence)

Liu Songji

Police Constable and Director of Minquan Police Station of the First Branch (Seventh Sequence)


Police Constable and Director of Minquan Police Station of the First Branch (Eighth Sequence)

Chen Nianyi

Police Constable and Director of Dacheng Branch of the First Branch Bureau (Eighth Sequence)

serial number

new position


original position

exam preparation


Police Constable and Director of Dacheng Branch of the First Branch Bureau (Eighth Sequence)

Chen Hongmo

Police officer and director of Mingxiu Police Station, Qingshui Bureau (eighth sequence)


Police officer and director of Mingxiu Police Station, Qingshui Bureau (eighth sequence)

Huang Zhiquan

Police Constable (Eighth Sequence) of the Security Division of the Bureau


Captain of the Wuri Branch Security Team

Lin Yongsheng

Shimizu Bureau Security Team Captain


Shimizu Bureau Security Team Captain

Lin Yinglong

Wufeng Branch Security Team Captain


Wufeng Branch Security Team Captain

Chen Yiwen

Dongshi Branch Security Team Captain


Dongshi Branch Security Team Captain

Fan Jiang Chongzhe

Police Constable and Director of the Gongong Police Station of the Third Branch (Seventh Sequence)


Police officer and director of the Gongong Police Station of the Third Branch (eighth sequence)

Qiu Jingzhi

Police officer and director of Wengzi Police Station, Fengyuan Branch (eighth sequence)


Police officer and director of Wengzi Police Station, Fengyuan Branch (seventh sequence)

Zhan Ziying

Traffic Police Brigade Inspector


Traffic Police Brigade Inspector

Zhang Junjie

Inspector of the Traffic Police Brigade (supporting the Inspectorate Office of the Bureau)


Inspector of the Traffic Police Brigade (supporting the Inspectorate Office of the Bureau)

Fang Maotian

Police officer and director of the Yucai Police Station of the Second Branch (seventh sequence)


Police officer and director of the Yucai Police Station of the Second Branch (seventh sequence)

Zhang Kailun

Police officer and director of the Jizhong Police Station of the First Sub-bureau (seventh sequence)


Police officer and director of the Jizhong Police Station of the First Sub-bureau (eighth sequence)

Cai Mingsong

Constable of Traffic Police Brigade (Eighth Sequence)


Security Police Brigade Inspector

Liao Ruying

Inspector of the Maternity and Children's Police Force


Inspector of the Maternity and Children's Police Force

Cai Peixuan

Security Police Brigade Inspector


Police Constable and Director of the Song'an Police Station of the Fifth Branch (Eighth Sequence)

Lin Zhijian

Police officer and director of Wenchang Police Station of the Fifth Branch (eighth sequence)


Police Constable and Director of Wenchang Police Station of the Fifth Branch (Seventh Sequence)

Lin Zecong

Police Constable and Director of the Song'an Police Station of the Fifth Branch (Seventh Sequence)


Constable of the Sixth Precinct (Seventh Order)

He Yuxian

Sixth Precinct Constable (Eighth Sequence)

serial number

new position


original position

exam preparation


Constable of the Criminal Police Brigade (Seventh Sequence)

Gao Mingxian

Constable of Criminal Police Brigade (Eighth Sequence)


Constable of the Criminal Police Brigade (Seventh Sequence)

Liao Junbao

Constable of Criminal Police Brigade (Eighth Sequence)


Shalu Branch of Qingshui Bureau (Seventh Sequence)

Liao Junqiang

Shalu Branch of Qingshui Bureau (eighth sequence)


Taiping Police Constable (Seventh Rank)

Xie Mengjia

Taiping Police Constable (Eighth Sequence)


Sixth Precinct Constable (Eighth Sequence)

Wu Zhongzhe

Constable of Criminal Police Brigade (Eighth Sequence)


Inspector and Director of Honglong Police Station, Taiping Sub-bureau

Huang Sirong

Inspector and director of Bian Police Station, Taiping Sub-bureau


Inspector and director of Bian Police Station, Taiping Sub-bureau

Lin Guanyu

Inspector and Director of Side Police Station, Wufeng Sub-bureau


Inspector and Director of Side Police Station, Wufeng Sub-bureau

Lu Beicui

Fifth Division Inspector


Fifth Division Inspector

Zhang Yuhan

Inspector and Director of the 19th A Police Station of Wufeng Sub-bureau


Inspector and Director of the 19th A Police Station of Wufeng Sub-bureau

Chen Zhaoqi

Fourth Division Inspector


Inspector and Director of Dadong Police Station, Heping Sub-bureau

Xie Junhong

Inspector and Director of Deji Police Station of Heping Branch Bureau


Inspector and Director of Deji Police Station of Heping Branch Bureau

Xu Zhonghuang

Inspector and Director of Tianlun Police Station, Heping Sub-bureau


Inspector and Director of Tianlun Police Station, Heping Sub-bureau

Wu Songtian

Inspector and Director of Zhulin Police Station, Heping Sub-bureau


Inspector and Director of Zhulin Police Station, Heping Sub-bureau

Chen Minhong

Sergeant of the Peace Bureau


Sergeant of the Peace Bureau

Chen Shichao

Inspector and Director of Xueshan Police Station, Heping Sub-bureau


Inspector and Director of Xueshan Police Station, Heping Sub-bureau

Huang Bingqin

Sergeant of the Peace Bureau


Sergeant of the Peace Bureau

Lin Congrong

Inspector and Director of Shengguang Police Station, Heping Division

serial number

new position


original position

exam preparation


Inspector and Director of Shengguang Police Station, Heping Division

Gao Tianlong

Sergeant of the Peace Bureau


Police Constable (Eighth Sequence) of the Security Division of the Bureau

Lin Junping

Fifth Division Inspector


Constable of Criminal Police Brigade (Eighth Sequence)

Du Minxin

Captain of the Second Investigation Team of the Criminal Police Brigade


Constable of Criminal Police Brigade (Eighth Sequence)

Zheng Boyuan

Inspector and Deputy Director of Chunshe Police Station, Fourth Branch


Dongshi Branch Police Constable (Eighth Sequence)

Ye Chengwei

Inspector and Director of Honglong Police Station, Taiping Sub-bureau


Constable of Traffic Police Brigade (Eighth Sequence)

Zhang Haowei

Inspector of Wuri Branch

Except for those transferred from other agencies (Zeng Zijian, Wu Baikuan), the rest of the personnel involved in the case completed the resignation and arrival procedures on March 10, 2012 (Friday).