According to Resolution No. 1487, military records are kept at the place of residence, at work, in institutions of higher and pre-higher education, in diplomatic institutions abroad.

According to attorney Natalya Lisova, conscripts, conscripts and reservists must regularly update their personal data.

At least once every five years, they must update information about themselves personally in the TCC at the place of registration or residence. 

In the event of a change of residence, the conscript must report to the local TCC within 7 days and register for military registration.

In the same period, within 7 days, in the event of a change in personal data, citizens must notify the TCC

What information about themselves citizens are required to update in the TCC 

  • Full Name,

  • date of birth and place of birth,

  • sex,

  • place of residence and place of residence,

  • information about parents, adoptive parents, guardians, custodians and other representatives (surname, first name, patronymic (if available), date of birth),

  • information about the marital status of the person and his family members (surname, first name, patronymic (if available), as well as children),

  • details of a passport of a citizen of Ukraine and a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad (series, number, date of issue, issuing body, validity period),

  • citizenship information,

  • information on documents confirming the death of a person or recognition of a person as dead or missing,

  • information regarding recognition of a person as incapacitated (restoration of legal capacity),

  • employment information (enterprise code, place of work, position),

  • registration number of the taxpayer's registration card,

  • a digitized image of a person's face,

  • information about the date of departure from Ukraine and the date of return to the territory of Ukraine,

  • information about education and specialty,

  • information about the state of health (including the establishment and change of the disability group), collected for the purpose of determining fitness for military duty,

  • information about bringing to criminal responsibility (notification of suspicion of committing a criminal offense),

  • information about the consideration of a criminal case by a court, a judgment that has entered into force,

  • information about the presence (absence) of a criminal record,

  • unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register (if available),

  • information on the right to postponement of conscription for military service during mobilization.

Read also:

  • Can a person whose relative has a disability be mobilized: under what conditions

  • 15 cases when postponements from mobilization can be canceled: a complete list