At its upcoming meeting on March 9, the Metropolitan Municipal Council (SOC) will consider a proposal by the Deputy Mayor for Finance Doncho Barbalov and the Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee Stefan Markov that funds from the Specialized Municipal Privatization Fund be directed to the expansion of video surveillance in Borisova garden, reported the press center of SOS. 

The report with the proposal is published on the Council's website.

It is planned that BGN 160,000 from the Fund will be spent on increasing control and security in the part of the Lily Lake next to P. Yavorov Blvd.

Fandakova explained what the Metropolitan Municipality will do after the mass logging in Borisova gradina

Borisov garden is located on the territory of three Sofia districts and is a favorite place for recreation and sports of the citizens of Sofia.

Playgrounds with play and sports facilities have been built in the park.

Mass events of different nature and attendance are also held in the park every day, such as football matches, which also generate the gathering and movement of large groups of people.

This is also a prerequisite for vandalism and damage to municipal property.

On part of the park's territory, there is an operational video surveillance system built and operating, but it does not cover all spaces.

That is why the municipal councilors must approve an extension of the existing video system, the authors of the report point out. 

The design and construction activities will be carried out in implementation of a Framework Agreement with the subject "Full engineering (design and construction), supply and installation of video surveillance systems and analytical processing of video information for security areas with high risk potential and in children's and educational institutions on the territory of the Metropolitan Municipality, as well as their expansion, for the needs of the Metropolitan Municipality".

The beneficiary will be the "Security" Directorate of the Capital Municipality, which will supervise the installation activities and will have the commitment to submit to the Specialized Municipal Privatization Fund, as well as to the "Finance" Directorate and the "Legal and Administrative Control" Department of the Capital Municipality, copies of the concluded contracts for the implementation of the objects and reports on the utilization of the funds.

Boris garden

video surveillance
