After the Nantou County Election Committee counted and analyzed the votes of the four candidates for the by-election of legislators, Chen Congjian (left) did not meet the standard and could not receive the deposit and election subsidies. ) and 2 persons, each will receive an election subsidy of more than one million yuan.

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[Reporter Xie Jieyu/Nantou Report] After the by-election of the Legislative Committee of Nantou County 2 Constituency District, the County Election Committee further analyzed the votes of the 4 candidates. 421 votes were obtained, and because the average of the two reached the standard, not only could they not receive the election subsidy of 30 yuan per vote, but the security deposit of 200,000 yuan would also be confiscated according to law.

The Nantou County Election Committee stated that according to the relevant provisions of the Law on Public Official Election and Recall, if a candidate is not elected and does not reach the threshold of votes, the security deposit will be confiscated according to law, and election subsidies are not available to everyone. The number of people's votes is calculated in proportion, and only when the threshold is crossed will there be subsidies.

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There are 4 candidates for the Nantou County Legislative Committee by-election. The votes of the 3 losers must reach 10% of the votes divided by the total number of voters in the electoral district and the quotient of the number of candidates to get back the deposit. According to this calculation method, the minimum number of votes for returning the security deposit is 19,841 votes.

As for the receipt of the ballot subsidy, no matter whether the candidate is elected or not, he is eligible. Since there is only one legislator elected by the by-election, the number of votes must exceed 1/3 of the 45,218 votes of the Democratic Progressive Party elect Cai Peihui, which is 15,073 Tickets are eligible to receive a subsidy of 30 yuan per ticket.

Under this premise, the security deposits of Chen Congjian and Lu Yujun will be confiscated, and there will be no election subsidy to receive. The other loser, Lin Mingqin of the Kuomintang, won 43,293 votes, not only can get back 200,000 yuan in security deposit, You can also receive more than 1.29 million yuan in election subsidies.

As for Cai Peihui, who was elected as a legislator, the maximum amount of election subsidy he can receive is about 1.35 million yuan.

After the Nantou County Election Committee counted and analyzed the votes of the four candidates for the by-election of legislators, Chen Congjian and Lu Yujun failed to meet the standard, and their security deposit will be confiscated, and they will not be able to receive the election subsidy of 30 yuan per vote.

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