Kinmen County Mayor Chen Fuhai promoted the "Red Day for Women" campaign.

(Photo by reporter Wu Zhengting)

[Reporter Wu Zhengting/Kinmen Report] Kinmen County Mayor Chen Fuhai responded to the "Go Red for Women Day". Today, under the arrangement of the County Health Bureau, he held a sign with the words "Anemia does not ignore women's peace of mind" and called on the society to pay attention to women. Cardiovascular health, especially to remind female friends, if you have symptoms of anemia, you must not ignore it, and you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to ensure cardiovascular health.

The County Health Bureau stated that Taiwan responded to the international campaign to care for women's cardiovascular health in 2016, and set the second Friday in March every year as the "Women's Red Day". Over the past 7 years, more than 50 countries have participated, and it has been approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Supported by the Department of Health, the Heart Foundation of the Republic of China, medical associations, and enterprises; this year's theme is "Anemia-the most important thing in a woman's heart", calling on women to care about whether they have symptoms of anemia in their bodies?

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Premier Chen Jianren posted a red V-neck dress on his Facebook fan page today, and will participate in the "Women's Red Day" event on March 10; Chen Fuhai also accepted the arrangement of the County Health Bureau to take "promotional photos" according to the scheduled itinerary.

However, Chen Fuhai was unable to wear a red dress because his mother passed away before the "year-old", so he changed to a suit with a golden tie.

Chen Fuhai said that he affirms women's contribution to family and workplace, and also reminds women to stop and take a good look at their physical, mental and spiritual health in their busy lives.

Li Jinzhi, Acting Director of the County Health Bureau, said that women who experience blood loss during menstruation, increased iron requirements during pregnancy, and childbirth bleeding are more prone to anemia problems; The prevalence rate of anemia in women (15-49 years old) is 19.08%, about 1 in every 5 women of childbearing age has anemia; women tend to think it is not serious because they are too accustomed to it, or the symptoms are short-lived and recover quickly, and instead ignore the health brought by anemia warning sign.

Li Jinzhi said that the common symptoms of anemia include dizziness, headache, pale face, fatigue, poor physical strength, shortness of breath, palpitations, etc.; if the anemia is in a state for a long time, it will also burden the heart and easily lead to heart failure and other diseases; if the body is in severe anemia state, unable to transport blood oxygen normally, may cause damage to brain and other organs, and increase the risk of dementia.

Li Jinzhi said that it is recommended to take more "animal iron" foods in the daily diet, which are easier to absorb, such as red meat, liver, etc. Vegetarians can choose foods rich in "plant iron", such as sesame, nuts, Tofu, etc., to reduce the risk of anemia.