Zheng Mingxi enjoys a blissful life in the church.

(reposted from Netflix)

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[Reporter Qian Lizhong/Taipei Report] Netflix released the documentary "In the Name of God: Betrayal of Faith", which mentioned the misdeeds of South Korean Providence leader Zheng Mingxi who used the name of religion to sexually assault female believers from many countries, including National Taiwan University, Hundreds of female college students including Chengchi University were also suspected of being victimized. The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office issued a wanted arrest for Zheng Nan in 2003. A female student at National Chengchi University was suspected of being sexually assaulted by Zheng and ended her life, which aroused widespread concern in the society.

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Long before the Beijian newspaper clippings were investigated, the media had reported that in 1998, a female student from National Chengchi University who participated in the activities of the Protestant Church was also suspected of being sexually assaulted by Zheng Mingxi in the name of God. In the end, he chose to end his own life. At that time, the prosecutor went to National Political University to try to understand the inside story of the female student's sexual assault.

At that time, the Internet was not yet popular, and most people could only learn about the plot of Zheng Mingxi’s sexual assault on female college students in my country through mass media. She came forward to explain the victimization process to the prosecutors and police. In order to protect the victim woman, the prosecutors also specially assigned female prosecutors from the Maternal and Child Special Team to take charge of the investigation.

Since the case of forced sexual intercourse is a public prosecution crime that is not to be reported, although no victim was willing to come forward to formally file a complaint against Zheng Nan, the prosecution still took the initiative to cut the newspaper according to the media reports and investigate the case separately. Detained, has been issued a wanted so far, the case is still his case, the cause of the case is forced sexual intercourse.

According to the investigation by the police, Zheng Mingxi entered Taiwan in 1990. On March 23, 2001, he also entered Taiwan under the name "Zheng Mingxi". He stayed in Taiwan for more than 20 days. During this period, his whereabouts became a mystery. Many Taiwanese women may have been victimized.

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