School masks have been loosened. Zhongshan Elementary School in Changhua City complies with the epidemic prevention regulations of the central government and the county education department, and does not force teachers and students to wear masks for activities. Indoor and outdoor playgrounds, students are allowed to decide whether to wear masks or not.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Congqiu)

[Reporter Zhang Congqiu/Changhua Report] Today is the first day of the new epidemic prevention system for campuses to wear masks independently. The vast majority of students in Changhua County’s campus still wear their masks. On average, only 1 or 2 out of 10 students will take off their masks. The reason is that wearing a mask has been worn for more than 3 years, and it has become a living habit. The other is related to air pollution and cold weather. Today, Changhua County’s air quality index AQI is in yellow alert. Wear a mask properly to fight against air pollution.

There are more than 1,700 students in Zhongshan Elementary School in Changhua City. Today Monday, according to the central government’s new epidemic prevention system on March 6 and the regulations of the county government’s education office, the school is not forced to wear masks, teachers and students take their own body temperature, and is not mandatory to use dining partitions. Health centers and school buses are specific places where masks are still mandatory.

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The school said that teachers and students have developed a habit of wearing masks in class. Today, it is not mandatory to wear the new system on the road. Most students still wear masks in class. Even in outdoor physical education classes, students still wear masks well and fully. Wear a mask to class.

The primary three students said that the weather is cold, and the air pollution flags on the playground hang "yellow flags" and the air quality is not good. Wear masks well and fully to reduce the harm of air pollution. You still have to wear masks for your health.

The county magistrate Wang Huimei reminded everyone through Facebook that the restriction on masks has been relaxed, but the most important guideline is still to wear a mask on your own. You can continue to wear a mask if you have a cold, poor air, or to keep your mouth and nose warm.

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Please click here for the "Wuhan Pneumonia Zone", for more information, you can grasp it first-hand.

On the first day of campus mask removal, most of the children were running and dancing while wearing masks in outdoor physical education classes.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Congqiu)

Today is the first day that masks are loosened on campus. Teachers still wear masks independently in class, and students are almost fully wearing them.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Congqiu)

Today is the first day of loosening masks on campus. The vast majority of elementary school children in Changhua County still wear their masks, and they wear their masks on their own.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Congqiu)