The farmland rezoning area in Yuanli Tianxin has newly opened a new agricultural road, and construction will start in April.

(Provided by Miao County Government)

[Reporter Cai Zhengmin/Miaoli Report] Miaoli County Mayor Zhong Dongjin went to Yuanli Township today to Huikantian and was concerned about a case of unopened agricultural road. Director of Land Administration of Miao County Government Lai Junmin pointed out that the agricultural road was not opened after it was re-planned It is about 33 meters long and 4 meters wide. It is expected to start construction in April this year. The asphalt pavement, retaining walls, and drainage ditches will be laid, and the cost will be about 1.46 million yuan. It will be completed in May this year.

Zhong Dongjin emphasized that the county government will comprehensively improve agricultural roads as one of its policy priorities this year, so as to facilitate the transportation of agricultural products, and at the same time provide farmers with a safe way to go home, and improve the infrastructure of agricultural land rezoning and the agricultural production environment.

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The Lands Office stated that after taking office, Zhong Dongjin raised funds for the infrastructure construction of the agricultural land rezoning area. In addition to seeking a subsidy of 21 million yuan from the Council of Agriculture, a total of 23 million yuan was allocated from the county fund and the agricultural land rezoning fund, and a total of 44 million yuan was processed for 10 projects. Rural and waterway improvement projects in agricultural land rezoning areas in townships and cities.