To celebrate Women's Day, Zhongshi held an invitational exhibition of female artists to showcase the creative energy of more than a hundred women.

(Provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau)

[Reporter Su Mengjuan/Taichung Report] Women's Day is approaching, and the "Taichung Female Artists Invitational Exhibition" will be held at the Dadun Cultural Center today. This year, 129 Taichung female artists will be exhibited, and the number of exhibitors will hit a new high, including oil paintings and gelatin , ink color, calligraphy, sculpture and other works, showing the unique creative emotions of female artists; the Cultural Affairs Bureau also cooperated with the Xitun Women's Training Center to hold a series of "Gender Equality Lectures", "Women's Film Exhibition" and "Gender Equality Story Picture Book Sharing" Activity.

The Cultural Affairs Bureau pointed out that compared with men, female artists have to juggle work, housework, and raising children. The creative process is more difficult. Since 2005, Taichung City has held the "Taichung Female Artists Invitational Exhibition" every year during Women's Day. In addition to commending female artists It also hopes to promote the concept of gender equality through the perspective of women.

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The exhibitor, Chen Yizhi, devoted herself to appreciating flowers and painting after she retired from teaching. She is best at fine brushwork flowers and birds. She and her husband Zhang Ziqiang are both artists in the education field. She recalled that when she was young, she taught during the day and did housework at night. She stayed up late to create after the children slept , Once her eldest son who was in elementary school was hospitalized with pneumonia, she brought painting tools to the hospital to create; Painting can help her relax and relieve stress. If she wants to learn oil painting, her husband will be the driver to pick her up. Her family is the backing for her dream, and artistic creation is a way of self-realization and an opportunity to learn mutual respect.

Mother-daughter team Lin Huizhen and Ni Yushan also participated in the exhibition together. Lin Huizhen pointed out that artistic creation is a road of no return. No matter how busy she is, she will definitely use her spare time to create. She also thanks her husband Ni Chaolong, who is also an artist, for his support, allowing her to enjoy the art from the beginning. Happiness is found in the brush; her daughter, Ni Yushan, a participant in the glue color category, is currently an associate professor at Qinyi University of Science and Technology. Coming from an artistic family, she affirms that art is the best communication language and bridge between parents and children.

In addition, Zhongyou Fashion Gallery curated "Simple Poetry - Lai Weiyan Oil Painting Solo Exhibition", exhibiting 27 oil paintings and 1 watercolor work. Most of Lai Weiyan's oil paintings are landscapes and still lifes as the main themes, and he likes to use lines randomly Outline, hold free form to lay out freehand, through the energy accumulation of landscape writing and cultural exchanges around the world, create the beauty of its contemporary artistic environment with local characteristics, and also show the beauty of oriental ink painting techniques in the layered tones Texture and a harmonious balance between abstraction and figuration.

Lai Weiyan also provided a charity sale of "South of the Frontier" works, hoping to spread the power of love through art. The 88,000 yuan from the charity sale will be donated to the "Nantou County Troubled Little Angels Association"; March 26 at 3:30 p.m. In addition, a lecture on "Wonderful Mind‧Wonderful Painting‧Music Muse" will be held at the Eslite Bookstore on the 11th floor of Building C of Zhongyou Department Store. Lai Weiyan and artist and art critic Huang Qiwen will be invited to talk. Interested people are welcome to use Zhongyou APP to sign up.

Mother-daughter team Lin Huizhen (second from left) and Ni Yushan (second from right) also participated in the exhibition together.

(Provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau)

Lai Weiyan was invited to hold a solo exhibition at Zhongyou Fashion Gallery, and provided a charity sale of paintings to spread the power of love through art.

(Provided by Zhongyou)