Schools at all levels in Hsinchu County will implement the indoor space principle of "wearing masks independently" from tomorrow.

(Taken from the official website of Zhu County Government)

[Reporter Huang Meizhu/Hsinchu Report] The Hsinchu County Government announced today that according to the latest epidemic prevention regulations of the central government, from tomorrow, 6th, all levels of schools, kindergartens, after-school care centers, and cram schools in the county will begin to implement the indoor space principle of "independence". Wearing a mask” measure, everyone indoors can decide whether to wear a mask or not.

However, the County Education Bureau also reminded that school health centers at all levels, school buses, kindergarten special vehicles, campus shuttle buses, etc., should still "wear masks" in accordance with designated places.

In addition, considering the teaching needs of schools, after full communication with teachers and students at all levels and consensus reached, schools at all levels can use special venues such as cooking classrooms, laboratories or kitchens, or some courses such as catering practical classes, hygiene and safety If there is a relevant demand for the relevant courses in the standard, the school can decide to take measures to wear masks at its own discretion.

Please read on...

The Education Bureau stated that although the Ministry of Education has indicated that the epidemic situation is stable and controllable, and community epidemic prevention measures are stable and open, the impact on school operations has slowed down. Therefore, the continuous operation plan (template) for schools below high school in response to the COVID-19 epidemic will also be released from tomorrow. However, all schools are still requested to continue to prepare anti-epidemic materials, clean and disinfect the campus, maintain frequent hand washing, maintain hand hygiene habits, and observe coughing etiquette and other anti-epidemic operations.

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