The fire was concentrated on the third floor and did not spread to the first floor.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Xuanzhe)

[Reporter Zhang Xuanzhe/Taichung Report] An old Tutianjiao in Houli District, Taichung City was on fire in the early morning of the 4th. It was suspected that a fire broke out near the electrical appliances on the third floor or near the Shenming Hall, resulting in three deaths. Since the fire did not spread, the police determined that they were asleep in the middle of the night The lack of escape, and the fact that the third floor is full of flammable materials such as wooden partitions, resulted in three people being choked to death by thick smoke.

The fire burned the third floor and the alarm device was installed on the second floor

The Zhongshi Fire Department pointed out that the third floor of Huang’s house was made of flammable wooden partitions, and there was also a hall of gods. The flammable wooden boards caused the fire to spread rapidly. The alarm device subsidized by the fire department was installed in the living room on the second floor, but it was not installed on the third floor. The fire did not spread to the second floor, so the alarm did not go off, and the three deceased fell asleep in the middle of the night, missing the golden time for escape.

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The Fire Department suggests that alarms can be installed in the rooms, living rooms, and kitchens on each floor. If a fire breaks out in the middle of the night, it will wake up the sleeping people with high decibels to escape in time; Taichung City has subsidized one for each household in old buildings or vulnerable households. The police device is also sold in various stores.

In addition, old houses should pay attention to the decoration materials. When redecorating, it is recommended to use fire-resistant materials and flame-proof products.

The Zhongshi Fire Department pointed out that the usual practice is to use electricity not to exceed the load, not to bundle or damage the wires, not to get wet or stained, to keep the power socket unplugged, not to put combustible materials around the appliances, and not to use appliances without product safety labels, especially Pay more attention to electric heaters or long-term use plugs and wires that show signs of softening or heating.

The fire department said that if the public has doubts about the fire safety of their homes, they can contact the local fire brigade, and they will assign firefighters or women's publicity teams to the house to publicize and inspect.