The country's largest energy storage field will be located in Fengshan District, the most populous city in Kaohsiung City. There are many buildings and buildings around it, which has triggered a strong local rebound.

(Photo by reporter Chen Wenchan)

[Reporter Chen Wenchan/Kaohsiung Report] The country's largest energy storage field will be located in Fengshan District, the most populous city in Kaohsiung City. Not only the neighboring towns such as Zhenbei signed a petition to oppose it, but the Fengshan District Village Chief Association also expressed its opposition, leaving messages flooding Mayor Chen Qimai's Facebook page.

The Economic and Development Bureau responded that the central government is the competent authority, and the city government does not care about consent, let alone issuing licenses; however, the three local groups made a statement against the city government, and the establishment was approved by the local government, emphasizing legal compliance.

However, Zhao Zhicheng, head of Zhenbei District, refuted the legitimacy of the energy storage field, emphasizing that the people are the most important, the local government does not agree to be adjacent to the energy storage field, and absolutely firmly opposes it to the end.

The Sandi Group will build the largest energy storage field in Niuchaopu, Fengshan District. The 6,000-square-meter land will be equipped with energy storage containers, which will be connected in parallel to the Taipower substation. The high-flag driving training class next to it is also the land of the group, and it is about 40 meters away from the gas station, but it has not obtained the consent of the local residents.

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Residents in Zhenbei and Zhongzhong villages in the Niuchaopu area strongly rebelled. Village chiefs Zhao Zhicheng and Chen Yongshou launched a joint signature, and more than 5,000 people signed against it.

The local government questioned the safety of the energy storage field. They were worried that electromagnetic waves and radiation would affect health. In the event of an explosion that would be difficult to extinguish, life and property would be endangered. They asked the city government to hold an explanation meeting and asked Mayor Chen Qimai to preside over the meeting.

Zhenbei District Chief Zhao Zhicheng will hold an explanation meeting tomorrow (4th), and Chen Qimai is still invited to attend in person. However, Chen Qimai will go to Japan tomorrow to market Kaohsiung’s agricultural and fishery specialties. More than 10 district chiefs from the Fengshan District District Chiefs Association will be present to express their opposition .

Local governments have flooded Chen Qimai’s Facebook with messages over the past few days. The Economic and Development Bureau’s Facebook responded publicly that the industry is still in the planning stage, and the central government is the energy storage authority. , the city government will check in accordance with the law to maintain the safety of citizens.

However, the public statements of the three groups emphasized compliance with laws and regulations. The energy storage field obtained a letter from the city government in July last year, and was approved to set up "public service facilities", and the safety distance planning was greater than domestic regulations and central fire protection design and distance requirements.

However, District Chief Zhao Zhicheng refuted the legality of the energy storage field. He believed that if the local government does not agree, how can the city government agree?

And the people are the largest. Even if the city government agrees to the establishment, it does not mean that the local government agrees. It emphasizes the determination to oppose it to the end to maintain local health and living safety.

The Fengshan Lichang Association expressed its opposition to the largest energy storage field in the country.

(Photo by reporter Chen Wenchan)

People in Beili Town, Fengshan District launched a joint petition to oppose the largest energy storage field in the country.

(Photo by reporter Chen Wenchan)

Zhongzhongli, Fengshan District also launched a joint petition to oppose the largest energy storage field in the country.

(Photo by reporter Chen Wenchan)