In Antarctica, underwater vehicles managed to capture three giant phantom jellyfish Stygiomedusa gigantea.

Scientists have calculated that the length of one of them is at least 10 meters.

Live Science writes about it.

Giant jellyfish usually swim at a depth of more than a thousand meters, so people cannot see them.

But this time such jellyfish were spotted at a depth of 80, 87 and 280 meters.

Researcher Daniel Moore believes that jellyfish can rise closer to the surface of the ocean to get rid of parasites using ultraviolet radiation.

According to another version, the creatures are simply carried by the current.

The giant phantom jellyfish

is one of the largest deep-sea invertebrate predators.

She lives at a depth of up to 6,500 meters and rarely shows herself to people.

S. gigantea has been observed in the deepest parts of the world's oceans, except for the Arctic.

It is difficult to observe.

It feeds on plankton and small fish.

The jellyfish Stygiomedusa gigantea was first discovered in 1910, and since then it has only been seen 126 times.

And this despite their large size and large area.

For example, specialists from the Monterey Bay Oceanarium met representatives of this species only nine times during several thousand dives.

Earlier it became known that a new species

of jumping frogs was discovered in Tanzania.

They have an unusual color, do not know how to croak and interact by touch.

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