During the by-election of Nantou legislators, Lin Jialong (right), Secretary General of the Presidential Office, accompanied the motorcade of Cai Peihui (left) of the Democratic Progressive Party to sweep the street.

(Photo by reporter Liu Binquan)

[Reporter Liu Binquan/Nantou Report] Nantou Second Constituency legislator by-election vote countdown, Presidential Office Secretary-General Lin Jialong today (28th) together with several Democratic Progressive Party legislators to stand for Cai Peihui, he said that the term of the by-election is only 10 months, appeal Folks in Nantou can regard this period as Cai Peihui's "trial period". If the legislator fails to do well, he will be replaced. Nantou service.

Lin Jialong and legislators Huang Xiufang, Chen Xiubao, Zhuang Jingcheng, Wu Qiming, Luo Meiling and many Taichung city councilors went to Nantou today to support Cai Peihui.

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Lin Jialong said that Lin Mingqin started his career as the mayor of Jiji Town, and later served as a legislator and Nantou County Magistrate. Lin Mingqin wanted to pass the stick to his son, but this time the polls were low and there was no chance. In fact, Lin Mingqin could treat Cai Peihui as his daughter. Let her take over the inheritance. After all, "pass on the virtuous but not the son", pass it on to the "daughter of Nantou", so that what Lin Mingqin wants to do can be resolved quickly.

In addition, the vast number of Nantou voters are like "bosses". They can regard the 10-month term of the legislator by-election as Cai Peihui's "trial period". , the 10-month by-election is not short, and Lin Mingqin also declared that he will not be re-elected, so why did the voters choose this employee who only worked for 10 months?

I hope that the people will give Cai a chance. If he is a good legislator, he will be formally hired and continue to support Cai's re-election as a legislator.

In the Nantou Legislative By-election, Presidential Office Secretary-General Lin Jialong (middle) and Democratic Progressive Party legislators Huang Xiufang (first from left), Wu Qiming (second from left), Luo Meiling (first from right) and others stood for Cai Peihui (second from right).

(Photo by reporter Liu Binquan)