Ke Wenzhe once again challenged to ride a bicycle "One Day North High".

(Photo by reporter Wang Yisong)

[Reporter Wang Qianhao/Taipei Report] Regarding the egg shortage problem, the founder of Hon Hai Group, Terry Gou, first criticized the government's governance, and then affirmed that officials faced the problem and worked hard to solve it. The change in attitude sparked discussions.

In this regard, the chairman of the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe, said that he felt nothing. Guo Taiming is a citizen who is more concerned about state affairs, and his voice is relatively loud, so he often speaks out, which is normal.

As for whether the two sides will cooperate in the 2024 presidential election, Ke Wenzhe only said that all forces that can be united should be united.

Ke Wenzhe once again challenged to ride a bicycle "One Day North High". Early in the morning, he led the former Taipei City Vice Mayor Huang Shanshan, the Legislative Yuan People's Party Caucus Chief Qiu Chenyuan, Taipei City Councilors Huang Jingying, Chen Youcheng, Lin Zhenyu, Zhang Zhihao, and New Taipei City Councilor Chen Shixuan. Du Gong burns incense and prays, hoping that the cycling challenge will be safe, and accepts joint interviews with the media before departure.

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As for whether she can complete the one-day North High Challenge today, Ke Wenzhe said that she must do her best, and she does not know if she has not ridden; Huang Shanshan said that this is her third challenge. She rode to Changhua last year, and hopes to catch up with Mayor Ke this year. And ride to Kaohsiung.

Asked by the media, after completing the nine-day and eight-night Baishatun Mazu pilgrimage to Beigang, and then challenged Beigao for one day, will it be a boost for the 2024 presidential election?

Ke Wenzhe said, don't talk about the amount of impact, doing it once is called a show, and doing it every year can become a tradition. I really hope that all major events in Taiwan can become traditions. For example, the Beijing High School will be around 228.

Ke Wenzhe also said that when he was working on the Taipei flower series, he had the same concept. Now that azaleas should bloom, when to watch the Yangmingshan flower season, when to watch the azalea and calla lily season, there are fixed activities throughout Taipei every year, so that City life is richer.

In response to Guo Taiming scolding the government for lack of eggs, and then applauding the government afterwards, Ke Wenzhe pointed out that he thought it was nothing. Guo Taiming is a citizen who cares more about state affairs, and his voice is relatively loud, so he often speaks out. This is normal, just treat it as Some people care about current affairs; as for whether to seek cooperation with Guo Taiming, Ke Wenzhe emphasized that it is good to unite all forces that can be united and go at your own pace.

Some media asked Huang Shanshan if she was managing the trip to the US in April. Ke Wenzhe said that part of it seemed to be in New York; Huang Shanshan said that she was just helping to contact some people.

Asked by the media whether helping to plan a visit to the United States was the start of "Ke Huangpei", Ke Wenzhe laughed after hearing the question, "Hahaha, this is too much thinking."

In addition, some media are concerned about the refusal of Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an to co-organize the 228 commemorative activities by pro-independence groups. Huang Shanshan only said that she hopes to replace tears with sweat and calls on everyone to positively view the significance of this day to Taiwanese people.

Whether to cooperate with Guo Taiming on the 2024 presidential election, Ke Wenzhe only said, unite all forces that can be united.

(Photo by reporter Wang Yisong)