The Hsinchu District Court recently sentenced 8 men to prison terms ranging from 7 years and 6 months to 3 years and 4 months for crimes such as joint forced trading of human beings and forced sexual intercourse. Among them, female A's former villainous "Wolf King" was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for the crime of intimidation to obtain money Imprisonment for 8 months.

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[Reporter Huang Meizhu/Hsinchu Report] A woman who is about 20 years old and has no experience in the world has a love affair with Dou Chukai but meets "Wolf Lord"!

The other party asked her friend "Geng" to force her to sign a promissory note of 500,000 yuan on the grounds that she had a debt of 14,000 yuan with him during the relationship. In 6 years, she was lynched and detained by 5 men including Ding Nan and headed by Wu Nan. They planned to sell her to Thailand for profit at a price of NT$400,000. During this period, she was raped by 2 men.

The Hsinchu District Court recently sentenced 8 men to prison terms ranging from 7 years and 6 months to 3 years and 4 months for crimes such as joint forced trading of human beings and forced sexual intercourse. Among them, female A's former villainous "Wolf King" was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for the crime of intimidation to obtain money Imprisonment for 8 months.

The verdict pointed out that he and Ms. A were originally boyfriend and girlfriend. After they broke up, they asked Ms. A for expenses and debts during the relationship, totaling more than 14,000 yuan.

Please read on...

On August 3 last year at around 7:00 p.m., the man made an appointment with woman A to a cake and beverage shop in Hsinchu City.

Ji Nan received the aforementioned promissory note because A woman did not repay it on time, so Geng Nan transferred the promissory note to Ding Nan and entrusted Ding to collect the debt from A woman.

The verdict pointed out that five men, Geng, Ding, B, A, and Xin, deliberately resold woman A to others in order to make money. Order to drive B to A's workplace, Yu Geng coerces A into the car, Ding and B drive A to a certain company to meet A.

That night, men B and A forced woman A to sign another three promissory notes with the same denomination of 500,000 yuan to Ding.

Later, Ding Nan and others took turns to detain Ms. A at the residences of A, Xin, and Ding Nan from 7:00 p.m. on August 9 last year to around 12:15 p.m. on August 15 of the same year. The entry and exit are also driven and monitored by Ding.

During the aforementioned period, Ding was dissatisfied with female A's failure to cooperate with revealing the location of the health insurance card and refusing to answer questions, etc., and Xin and B escorted female A to a public temple in Xiangshan to ask female A to repent, and Xin shocked female A with an electric shock rod Arm, B holds an air gun and shoots female A's leg and hits female A on the head with a plastic bottle.

The verdict pointed out that during the detention of female A, Ding Nan contacted Wu through his friend C to trade female A, and then male Wu contacted overseas buyers Lu Minghan and Huang Kunyou, and the two parties planned to sell female A to Thailand for 400,000 yuan. You can share 200,000 yuan with Wu Nan, and 200,000 yuan with Ding Nan.

Therefore, following the instructions of Lu Minghan and Huang Kunyou, male B took female A to a travel agency to confirm identity and apply for a passport, etc., and forced female A to video chat with the buyer.

Ding is just B and Geng renting a car for female A to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and get a new yellow card.

The verdict pointed out that during the detention of A and Xin in their respective residences, they sexually assaulted her.

While Ding Nan was driving a rented passenger car with B and Xin riding along, at 3:00 a.m. on the 15th at the intersection of Guangfu Road Section 1 and Ciyun Road in Hsinchu City, he had a driving dispute with a large commercial truck for some reason. The air gun fired steel ball bullets at the driver's window of the truck, while Ding and Xin chased after each other by driving or riding a bicycle. Xin also tapped the left and right rear mirrors of the truck with a stick. It was only after launching the detention that A girl was accidentally rescued.