
is a condition with reduced brain function.

affect the memory of the patient

It causes memory loss, thinking, speaking, and behavior change from the original.

which affects the lives of patients

And finally, the patient may not be able to do anything.

It is a disorder that depends on other people. Today,

Friday Health

column  will discuss the diagnosis of dementia.

by doing an MRI

which provides effective results for each other

The role of MRI in the diagnosis of dementia

In addition to the aforementioned inspection

At present, radiology of the nervous system will be sent.

by MRI examination of the brain, which is a magnetic resonance examination

which can see more details of the brain than examination with other tools

MRI therefore plays a role in the diagnosis of dementia as follows:

1. Can clearly see the brain tissue

Therefore, the atrophy of the brain can be assessed more clearly.

2. It can detect abnormalities more clearly than computed tomography.

3. Helps to support diseases that the physician has assessed that this patient is likely to be a disease in the dementia group, such as Alzheimer's disease.

The results of the MRI test will be more supportive of the diagnosis.

The radiologist must assess whether the detected MRI images are compatible with the clinically diagnosed disease, eg if a physician diagnoses cerebrovascular dementia.

Is the resulting MRI image compatible with clinical diagnosis?

Diagnostic radiographs can help diagnose and treat dementia-causing diseases, such as detecting tumors that press on the brain's tissues in the memory region.

or bleeding in the brain that can lead to abnormal memory

by MRI examination

will show that the patient has a lump in the brain

or bleeding in the brain

or have hydrocephalus or not

and when treated by surgical removal of the tumor

or remove the blood in the brain

The patient will be able to recover from dementia and return to normal.

which is useful in MRI examination

This is because routine physical examination cannot provide a clear diagnosis of the cause.

in patients who do not have dementia-causing disease and can be cured

The radiologist will also need to determine if there is an abnormality caused by a neurodegenerative disease.

especially the group of Alzheimer's

by looking at the hippocampus

In the part of the brain, the inner temporal lobe whether there is abnormal atrophy or not.

in terms of cerebrovascular disease

must see if there is a dead brain tissue or lack of blood or not

and eat so much that the patient has dementia or not

In general, if there is dementia in the beginning

MRI images may not show obvious abnormalities.

Therefore, a clinical diagnosis is always required.

But at least doing MRI consecutively for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, it may be able to see the change of atrophy more clearly.

And if abnormalities can be found in the early stages

will be treated in a timely manner

Currently, MRI machines have developed more software.

You can see how severe the atrophy of the brain is.

Is there an increase or not and how in each audit?

Therefore, more patients are sent for MRI examination.

especially elderly patients suspected of having dementia

because it will help support abnormal conditions or certain diseases that cause

If the cause is diagnosed early, such as Alzheimer's disease

Although there is currently no specific treatment for the cause of the disease

But if the drug can be given quickly

or treat quickly

It will help support the patient's symptoms from rapidly deteriorating.

or in dementia from cerebrovascular disease as well

If detected early, it will help to treat and prevent further abnormalities.

from controlling or treating the disease that causes it.

Because there is no risk of radiation harm.

or radiocontrast

Except in the case of detecting a lump

Paint may be needed.

in order to see the abnormality of the lump more clearly

Preparing for an MRI Examination

Brain MRI can be performed in all patients.

Except in patients with pacemakers of some brands.

may not be able to get tested

Patients who are afraid of narrow spaces

Patients who cannot remain still for a long time may need to be given general anesthesia during the examination.


is divided into drug therapy.

and non-drug treatment

1. Drug treatment

The use of the drug here does not provide a cured effect.

but gives the effect of inhibiting certain substances secreted by nerve endings

Helps to slow down from more symptoms.

but did not treat the pathological condition

symptomatic drug administration

Palliative treatment, for example, if depressed, give antidepressants.

If you can't sleep, give sleeping pills, etc.

Currently, there is no cure for neurodegenerative diseases.

If it is dementia from cerebrovascular disease

It is recommended that patients maintain their blood pressure within the normal range.

Controlling fat levels and blood sugar levels within the normal range, etc.

2. Non-drug treatment

is treatment using psychotherapy.

by a psychotherapist

which must be done jointly by both the patient and their relatives

in order to train the brain to use and recognize new things

And focusing on taking care of patients to be able to use their daily lives better and safely.


Prevention of dementia can be prevented in a group of diseases caused by modifiable causes.

especially dementia from cerebrovascular disease

By taking care of yourself not to have high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood fat as follows

1. Eat nutritious food from all 5 food groups, focusing on eating good protein, good fat, reducing sodium and sugar, and avoiding all kinds of processed foods.

2. Exercise regularly, 30 minutes per day or 150 minutes per week in total.

will increase blood flow to the brain as well

3. Make your mind cheerful, clear, not stressed.

4. Get enough sleep

At least 6-8 hours a day will repair the damaged parts of the brain and increase blood circulation in the brain.

5. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

In addition to the instructions mentioned above.

If you find yourself or someone close to you starting to have abnormalities in memory, speech, thoughts and behavior, you should see a doctor to thoroughly investigate the cause.

to receive treatment in a timely manner

for effective treatment results

And help slow down the symptoms of dementia to not get worse quickly.


source of information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teerapon Panyaping,

Department of Radiology

Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital

Mahidol University