80 cases were brought by citizens to "Heating".

Nearly 2,000 lawsuits in 6 months have been filed by "Heating" against subscribers.

This was stated by Tanya Kirkova, a journalist from the "Telegraf" newspaper, on Nova News.

In 2 years, the cases exceeded 8 thousand.

People are sending signals about unrealistic sums requested by "Toplofikatsiya", said Emil Georgiev.

In the year

there were 2,800 cases, of which 2,000 were only for "Heating" - Sofia.

In the year

135 additional cases were filed, 90 of them with our assistance, in 45 cases the sums claimed by "Toplofikatsia" were completely rejected.

"Heating" equalization bills will be canceled after all appliances have been replaced

Most of these 2,000 complaints are about inflated prices.

