Zhu Wu's petition for divorce was rejected by his wife. The Supreme Court upheld the opinion of previous trials. Considering that the husband and wife have separated for more than 10 years, there is no answer to the flaws in the marriage, and the divorce is confirmed.

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[Reporter Wen Yude/Taipei Report] Zhu Wuxian, the former Minister of Civil Service, filed for divorce against Du's wife; Du refused to leave, saying that the reason why the divorce agreement was signed 14 years ago was because Zhu Nan had been away from home for a long time.

The Supreme Court upheld the views of previous trials, considering that the husband and wife have been separated for more than 10 years, and there is no possibility of recovery from the flaws in the marriage, and the divorce was confirmed.

Zhu Wuxian is a well-known scholar of public law. He served as Minister of Civil Affairs during Chen Shui-bian's administration. Zhu later served as a national policy adviser to the Presidential Office under Tsai Ing-wen. He decided to resign as a national policy adviser because his proposal for pension reform was not adopted. Zhu also publicly opposed it. gay marriage.

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Three years ago, Zhu Wuxian filed a lawsuit claiming that before marrying Du Nu in February 1991, he married another woman and gave birth to 2 sons. Later, Du Nu and the 2 sons got along badly, which led to long-term discord in the family. In November 2009, he married another woman. Decided to sign a divorce agreement, the couple agreed to divorce and transfer the house, land and car under his name to Du Nu.

However, after transferring the house, land and car according to the agreement, Ms. Du refused to go through the divorce registration process, and even changed the house key, which made it impossible for Zhu Wuxian to return home. Divorce agreement to seek property, resulting in the loss of mutual trust between the two parties, has constituted a major cause of marriage difficult to maintain, petition for divorce.

Ms. Du explained that she did sign a divorce agreement in 2009. At that time, it was because Zhu Wuxian had been away from home for a long time. As a wife, she wanted her husband to register one of the houses in her name in order to prevent her husband from contacting various people and endangering his property. Next, unexpectedly, the husband left after signing the agreement, let alone registering, and there was no husband's statement that she and the two sons were not compatible.

Ms. Du also said that Zhu Wuxian transferred the house because of a sum of money between the husband and wife. It was a while before the divorce agreement was transferred, which means that the transfer of the house has nothing to do with the divorce agreement. What is even more unacceptable is that Mr. Asked, but suddenly filed for divorce, there is no reason, please the court ruled that Mr. lost.

The first-instance Taipei District Court and the second-instance High Court both held that, based on relevant evidence and the statements of both parties, the husband and wife were not in harmony after marriage. After signing the divorce agreement, they lived apart for a long time, and their relationship became increasingly estranged. Or to mend the relationship of the marriage, it is hard to believe that Ms. Du intends to continue the marriage.

The first and second trials considered that the couple had been separated for more than 10 years, and the emotional foundation of mutual trust and sincerity no longer existed. It was determined that the two parties had major reasons for their difficulty in maintaining their marriage, and the flaws in the marriage could no longer be recovered, so the divorce was granted.

The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal determination.