In England, 500 years later, in the basement of a dilapidated church, remains were found, which are believed to belong to an abbot who was buried in an unusual way.

Although experts are not completely sure that this body belongs to Lady Hermann, the dating of the remains is closely related to the historical record.

Science Alert writes about it.

A life spent within the four walls of a solitary cell may seem restrictive from a modern perspective, but many lay women in past centuries voluntarily accepted a life of isolation to avoid social and financial dependence.

Judging by the skeletal remains, the last years of Mrs. Herman's life were marked by a tragic illness.

The woman appears to have had septic arthritis or joint infections, as well as advanced venereal syphilis.

One of the most interesting parts of the discovery was how Lady German's body was found.

Her burial near the altar of the church suggests that she was a woman of high status, but the position of her body is unusual for the time.

Her skeleton was curled up in a fetal position, her knees pressed to her chest and her arms wrapped around her torso.

It is quite likely that this is how the woman simply died in her cell. 

Alternatively, the embryonic position may have been related to the woman's arthritis or the tight burial in which she was found.

Although she was not buried in a coffin, 75% of Lady German's skeleton remained intact when it was rediscovered.

Earlier, scientists discovered two 3,000-year-old 


 in the fetal position in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.

And in Egypt, they found 

the mummy 

of a boy with 49 amulets decorated with various images.

All details were made of gold.

It is noted that the child died about 2,300 years ago.

Because of the huge number of decorations, the mummy was nicknamed the "golden boy".

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