A software company in the United States discovered that a pro-China organization used deepfake technology to create a virtual news organization to help the CCP carry out external propaganda.

(picture taken from Graphica website)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] The U.S. cloud delivery company "Graphica" released a new report last week. After investigation by the company, it was found that pro-China organizations used deepfake technology to fabricate virtual news platforms to conduct foreign affairs for the CCP. Xuan; The report shows that the anchors of virtual news platforms look almost the same as real people, but they are actually dummies made by AI algorithms.

Graphica released its latest report on the 7th. A virtual news organization named "wolf news" pushes fake news produced by virtual news organizations on social platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, and uses almost identical to real people. Male and female anchors broadcast the news; they conduct a large-scale foreign propaganda for the CCP, criticizing the "hypocritical, repetitive and empty" rhetoric of gun violence in the United States.

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After verification by Graphica, it is confirmed that the videos produced by Wolf News are all AI products, not real people, let alone news content.

In addition, the report pointed out that the number of viewers of each news video of Wolf News does not exceed 300. These news are basically of low quality and are garbage content.

It is reported that the technology company that produces fake news content is a British AI company.

The report finally warns that these AI-generated fake news will appear in the form of "larger scale and faster speed". Just after Graphica discovered the virtual news organization, a large number of people copied the same method to make fake news.

Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" reported that in January this year, the CCP passed new regulations prohibiting deepfake technology from spreading fake news in China, but foreign countries are not included in the regulations.