Wu Zhengzhong, chairman of the National Science Council.

(Photo by reporter Yang Yuanting)

[Reporter Yang Yuanting/Taipei Report] U.S. technology company OpenAI developed a chat robot "ChatGPT". Only two months after its launch, the number of users exceeded 100 million. China's Baidu also announced that it will launch related applications in two months. Commissioner Wu Zhengzhong said today (13th) that in view of the possibility that many small and medium-sized enterprises may apply the AI ​​in the future, the Taiwan version of ChatGPT is expected to be launched at the end of the year, so as to avoid letting the AI ​​trained with biased thinking guide the industry, or to prevent prejudice after asking AI content and results.

The content used by ChatGPT is public information, but it will also adjust the content of the final file according to the content input by the inputter. The National Science and Technology Council held a press conference for the Spring Festival. Wu Zhengzhong said that the National Science and Technology Council proposed 8 forward-looking technology platforms, including "forward-looking semiconductors" Quantum Technology", "AI", "Space (communication satellite and 6G)", "Information Security", "Precise Health (epidemic prevention and aging technology)", "Net Zero Technology", "National Defense Technology", "Humanities and Society" , the required budget is 34.9 billion yuan, and the net-zero technology investment budget is the largest, reaching 11.9 billion yuan, followed by Qianzhan Semiconductor, which is 8.3 billion yuan.

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Regarding the "AI" part, Wu Zhengzhong cited ChatGPT as an example, saying that Taiwan will launch its own version of ChatGPT, saying that this is to prevent the generation of biased information.

As technology giants have already invested in related technologies, how Taiwan can manage every step of the way with a limited budget, Wu Zhengzhong said that from the past until now, Taiwan has never won others with the budget, and has always used its brains to decide the winner.

He also pointed out that the current mainstream language tools used by ChatGPT are mainly in English, and the AI ​​developed by Baidu in China uses Simplified Chinese. As the world trend has become a democratic and free camp against authoritarian and dictatorial camps, if Taiwan can make good use of traditional Chinese As well as the advantages of being a democratic government, it will be beneficial to AI information to prevent bias.

Among the 8 major technology platforms, including Taiwan’s semiconductor production part, Wu Zhengzhong believes that the core of the global industry in the next 20 years will be semiconductors, which will affect food, medicine, housing, transportation, entertainment and other aspects. Taiwan is currently leading in this field, but if we want to To continue to maintain a leading position, talent cultivation is the top priority. In addition, it is necessary to introduce the assistance of international investment funds. He said that he will plan to set up advance bases abroad, so that relevant talents and new industries are more willing to enter Taiwan. He will assist foreign countries in training relevant talents. He said that through training, foreign talents in other industries can follow the Taiwan-led route.

Wu Zhengzhong also said that the National Science and Technology Council is scheduled to establish an information security technology research center in 2023 to deploy information security research in the upper and middle reaches of my country. The two experimental satellites in charge of the center and the ground equipment in charge of the Industrial Technology Research Institute have completed the preliminary design, and 80% of the parts are made in Taiwan. The detailed design is expected to be completed by the end of this year.