Audi cars illegally parked side by side.

(Extracted from Social Affairs News Video and Video)

[Reporter Xu Guozhen/Taichung Report] When a rider in Taichung City was passing Zhongqing Road in the North District a few days ago, he found two Audi cars parked illegally side by side. In addition to hindering the smooth flow of traffic behind and fearing accidents, he kept honking the horn to warn the owner. After showing up, he was not afraid of fines. Anyway, "It's only 2,000 and 4, I drive this kind of car." After the video was uploaded on the Internet, the owner's arrogance caused a lot of criticism. The police in the area said today that they have received a report and will be fined according to law.

The online community "Society News Video" recently circulated a video about one and a half minutes long. The video shows that a rider in Taichung City was passing Zhongqing Road near the Tianjin intersection at 6:41 p.m., and there was quite a lot of traffic , but there was an Audi car illegally parked side by side, so the car directly blocked the lane. In addition to affecting the smooth flow of traffic behind, it may also lead to an accident where the motorcycle was forced to ride on the fast lane and was collided. The rider kept honking the horn to warn the owner to move the car.

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Unexpectedly, the car owner came out from the arcade and appeared behind him. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this behavior. He first asked, "Why are you filming me? Delete it." Although the owner of the car softened his attitude for a while, he still had no plans to move the car. Then, because the Cavaliers did not want to delete the video, the car owner became angry. He also heard that the Cavaliers wanted to report and simply opened the car. car," then turned around and left.

After the video was exposed, it caused a lot of condemnation on the Internet. Many netizens left comments and criticized "rich is self-willed, so you can stop laughing and die there", "If you violate the parking limit, you won't step aside, genius", "Stop it This disregards everyone's safety and driving rights", "That's not self-willed, that's called lawlessness."

 The second sub-bureau of the jurisdiction said today that the two parties did not report the case at the moment, but preliminary understanding from online images shows that the black passenger car is suspected of parking in parallel. According to the regulations on road traffic management penalties, parallel parking can be divided into "temporary parking" and "Parking", according to Article 55, Item 1, Item 4 and Article 56, Item 2, the driver of the car can be fined 300 to 600 yuan or 2,400 yuan respectively.

The branch has received this traffic violation report on February 11, and will review the content of the video in the future and issue fines in accordance with the law; branch director Yang Chuan said that illegal parking not only endangers traffic order and safety, but also affects the smooth flow of vehicles and the use of pedestrians. Traffic accidents are more often caused. Drivers are urged not to covet temporary convenience and stop at will, otherwise they will be fined.

The owner of the car retorted that the Cavaliers were not afraid of fines, anyway, "It's only 2,000 and 4, I drive this kind of car."

(Extracted from Social Affairs News Video and Video)