During the 228 Peace Memorial Day holiday, National 5 will plan to implement high-occupancy control, ramp closures, and ramp control measures. The Expressway Bureau estimates that the first day of the continuous holiday (25th) National 5 Southbound may be blocked from 5:00 am to 18:00.

(file photo)

[Reporter Ding Yi/Taipei Report] During the 228 Peace Memorial Day holiday, National 5 will plan to implement high-occupancy control, ramp closures, and ramp control measures, and recommends that the public take more public transportation or take alternative routes.

The Expressway Bureau predicts that on the first day of consecutive holidays (25th), the southbound traffic on National 5 will be congested from 5:00 am to 6:00 pm; on the 27th, the northbound traffic will be congested from 10:00 am to 12:00 midnight. -7 times.

The Gaogong Bureau stated that according to the research and judgment of the Gaogong Bureau’s big data data, the National 5 will go south to the Nangang system from 9-24 o’clock on the day before the Peace Memorial Day holiday, from 5-16 o’clock on the first day of the holiday, and from 6-15 o’clock on the second day To Toucheng, between 11-24:00 on the second day, 10-24:00 on the third day, and 9-20:00 on closing holidays, the speed will be lower than 40 kilometers per hour on the northbound section from Yilan to Pinglin.

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In order to encourage people to take public transportation, the Gaogong Bureau implemented a number of bus priority measures in National 5. Taking a bus can save more than 30 minutes than driving by yourself. It is recommended that the public make more use of it to save travel time.

According to the research and judgment of the big data of the National Highway Public Security Bureau, the national 5 will go south to Nangang system to Toucheng from 9-24 o'clock on the day before the Peace Memorial Day holiday, from 5-16 o'clock on the first day of the consecutive holiday, and from 6-15 o'clock on the second day. From 11 to 24 o'clock on the 2nd, from 10 to 24 o'clock on the 3rd day, and from 9 to 20 o'clock on the closing holiday, the speed of the north bound Yilan to Pinglin road will be lower than 40 kilometers per hour. It is recommended that passers-by can change to alternative roads. It is recommended to change the southbound road. If you take Taiwan Highway 9 or 106B, it is recommended to change to Taiwan Highway 9 in the northbound direction to avoid traffic jams.

The Highway Bureau reminds passers-by to pay more attention to the relevant control measures. On the first day of the consecutive holiday, from 0-12:00, and on the second day from 5-12:00, the south entrance of Shiding and Pinglin will be closed on State 5. On the 3rd and 4th day of the consecutive holiday From 14 to 21 o'clock, the high-occupancy control measures for the northbound entrances of Suao, Luodong, Yilan, and Toucheng of State 5 will be implemented.

228 Lianjia Country 5 Ramp is closed during the closed period.

(Provided by Gaogong Bureau)

228 even leave the national 5th high-riding control period.

(Provided by Gaogong Bureau)