Nasal irrigation

is a method of cleaning the nasal cavity by douching using salt water.

to purify impurities like snot

Or substances that cause allergies inside the nasal cavity to be gone.

which can reduce the problem of runny nose and nasal congestion as well

It also helps to keep the nasal cavity moist.

Breathing becomes easier.

By washing the nose is not limited to use only in children with allergies.

But healthy children can have their nose washed.

However, the child must be able to hold his breath and blow his nose on his own so that he can do so without choking.

Benefits of washing the nose

1. Helps to get rid of thick, sticky mucus that remains in the nasal cavity.

2. Alleviate chronic cold symptoms.

3. Prevent the spread of germs inside the nasal cavity.


Prevent the spread of sinus symptoms from reaching the lungs.

5. Reduce the amount of germs, waste and harmful substances. various allergies

6. Add moisture to the nasal septum

7. Relieve nasal tightness or suffocation

To breathe more openly.

8. Alleviate irritation that occurs in the nasal cavity.

9. Increase the efficiency of nasal spray.

This is because the medication works better when the nose is clear.

Who should wash the nose?

Rinsing the nose

should be done before using the nasal spray for therapeutic purposes.

Or in the case of a child suffering from a disease related to the nasal cavity

Nasal washing should be performed regularly.

Especially the patients with the following diseases

  • allergy

  • sinusitis

  • asthma

  • nasal congestion

    excessive mucus or phlegm

    Until it's hard to breathe

However, if you notice that the child has a lot of thick, sticky mucus.

child exposed to smoke

or exposed to highly polluted weather conditions

Should also rinse the child's nose with saline.

How to properly wash your nose

must include

Equipment for washing the nose with saline

Saline with a 0.9% concentration can be purchased at a hospital or pharmacy.

cup for brine

plastic syringe

For young children should use size 5-10 cc.

For older children should use size 10-20 cc. Nasal


or if not using a container

You may wash your nose at the sink.

The procedure for washing the nose

  • Wash your hands and equipment thoroughly.

  • Pour the brine into the prepared container.

  • Take 5-10 ml of saline with a plastic syringe, then lean over the container.

  • Try to keep the syringe snug against either nostril.

    Then hold your breath, bow your head, open your mouth, or you can have the child sing 'ah…' by making a long, long stroke instead.

  • While holding your breath, slowly squirt the saline solution into your nostrils.

    to allow the saline solution to flow into the nasal cavity on the side where the syringe is inserted

    and flows out through the other nostril

  • If the mucus is still there, gently blow it out.

    Or maybe some of the salt water will come out of your mouth instead, then spit it out.

  • Then repeat on the other nostril.

  • may repeat until breath is relieved

    There is no mucus left.

Benefits of rinsing the nose with saline

is to cleanse the dirt that remains inside the nasal cavity completely

To reduce germs, dirt and allergens

We can wash our noses often.

when having shortness of breath or nasal congestion

Or may wash 2-3 times a day without harming the body in any


Phyathai Nawamin Hospital