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Dozens of disgruntled citizens gathered this morning to protest in front of the building of the Capital Municipality, because of logging in the Boris garden.

The demonstration is supported by "Save Sofia".

Those gathered insist that the park and the "Maria Luisa" bathhouse be saved, for the sake of the people of Sofia.

"Save Sofia" insists on taking immediate measures to return the public character of the Baths and the Summer Theater, their restoration and ensuring wide public access to them, said arch.

Rositsa Nikolova in front of reporter Ana Popova.

The protesters brought to the municipality building a list of 9 main demands, among which all objects with a public function in Borisova gradina should be public property, a ban on new construction and the creation of a regulatory framework for the management of the entire territory of Borisova gradina Park.

The head of the SOS wants an explanation from Traicho Traikov about the illegal logging in the Boris garden

The topic is also on the agenda of today's meeting of the Metropolitan Municipal Council.

Chairman Georgi Georgiev has requested an explanation from the mayor of the "Sredets" district, Traicho Traikov, why he issued the permission to cut down trees in the Boris garden next to the "Maria Luisa" bathhouse.

He also invited the Mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova, to provide information on the actions taken after the logging alert, BNR notes.

Sofia Municipality


Boris garden
