A 17-year-old boy in Japan went to "Sushiro" to eat a few days ago, but made disorderly behaviors such as licking soy sauce jars, which aroused fierce criticism from all walks of life.

(Picture taken from @takigare3 Twitter)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] A 17-year-old high school student in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, recently caused a lot of controversy at the sushi conveyor belt sushi restaurant "Sushiro", causing the stock price of Sushiro to plummet. Although the high school student has come forward to apologize, Sushiro company still Resolutely filed a lawsuit. Recently, the neighbors of the high school students also broke the news to the media. In order not to cause trouble for the school, the high school students have voluntarily dropped out of school.

According to the Japanese media "NEWSポストセブン", the neighbor of the prank high school student revealed, "He is actually an obedient child. He usually goes to help in the fields near his home, and he has always had black hair. He wants to indulge in the winter vacation. , I dyed my hair blond after getting permission from my parents, but I didn’t expect to do these out-of-order behaviors.”

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After the Sushi Lang incident, the high school student was attacked by a large number of netizens on the Internet. Many messages even pointed to his parents. The high school the student attended also received many complaint calls.

Neighbors pointed out that the high school student and his parents were physically and mentally exhausted by this incident. The high school student did not want to cause more trouble to the school and decided to voluntarily drop out of school.

When the high school student was eating at Sushi Lang before his birthday, he picked up the soy sauce jar on the table and licked it, then took the tea cup next to it and sucked it around before putting it back. After the disgusting behavior was made public on the Internet, many people were frightened. It also caused serious damage to Sushi Lang's goodwill, and the market value evaporated 16 billion yen (about 3.68 billion NT dollars) due to the sharp drop in stock prices.