Russia banned the entry of 77 US citizens who support Ukraine in the war against the Russian occupiers.

Lavrov's ministry called it a "hard boomerang." 

Russian media of mass propaganda write about it. 

Among the 77 US citizens who were banned from entering Russia are "governors and individual state representatives."

Their names are not advertised by Russian propagandists. 

Also, in Russia, sanctions, which, according to the previous version of the propagandists, are "only useful for the Russian Federation." 

"Any hostile actions against Russia, including the unwinding of the sanctions spiral, will be repelled and boomerang on the USA itself," Lavrov's ministry said. 

It will be recalled that the British government introduced new sanctions against Russia.

They extend to companies that supply military equipment, as well as individuals and one organization that financially support the wealth and power of Kremlin elites.

Putin's alleged mistress - Svitlana Krivorukykh - was also on the list of sanctions. 

Read also:

  • Kuleba discussed with his Estonian colleague the special tribunal for Russia and sanctions against the Russian Federation

  • Putin has a huge mobilization resource, but the opportunities of the Russian Federation are melting: when a difficult situation arises for Russia

  • "The Russians have shot themselves in the foot again": the decision of the top of the Russian Federation after Western sanctions further increased the revenue deficit