American leader

Joe Biden announced this during his annual speech before both houses of the US Congress


"Inflation has become a global problem because the pandemic has directly disrupted our supply chains, and Putin's unjust and brutal war in Ukraine has led to interruptions in the supply of energy and food, blocked the export of grain from Ukraine," the head of the White House noted.

But, according to him, the United States of America is making considerable efforts to overcome this challenge, because as the world's first economy, the United States has achieved better results than other countries.

"We are now in a better position than any other country on Earth," the US president is convinced.

Biden believes that it is thanks to the efforts of his administration that the inflation rate decreases every month, and wages in the country increase.

In general, his speech is devoted to the situation in the USA and plans for the future, in particular, in the social sphere.

From time to time, his speech is interrupted by thunderous applause from congressmen.

Read also:

  • World news

  • War in Ukraine

  • News of Ukraine: video

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