[Reporter Xu Guozhen/Taichung Report] It was reported early this morning that a lottery store in Nantun District, Taichung City was robbed. In addition, a lottery store in Xitun District was also broken into earlier. The gangsters attacked the female boss brutally with a hammer, and robbed the safe after asking for the password. After millions of cash and lottery tickets escaped, He Yuqi, chairman of the Lottery Dealers Association of the Republic of China, said that lottery banks have a large cash flow, which often attracts criminals. He hopes that the government will allow lottery banks to use electronic payment tools to reduce the risk of depositing cash.

He Yuqi said that there are more than 6,000 lottery companies in the country, and the daily cash flow of a lottery company ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars, especially during the Chinese New Year. After being beaten and injured, all business owners hoped to open up the use of electronic payment. However, they originally tried to use the Easy Travel co-branded card payment, but later the automatic reload function was locked on the grounds of "moral hazard".

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Due to the inconvenience caused to consumers, dealers reported that their performance dropped by 80%. Especially now that many industries can use mobile payment, the lottery industry is regarded as gambling and excluded from the scope of mobile payment. It is fundamentally discriminating against the lottery industry. Electronic payment tools are in response to government policies, and can reduce the risk of storing cash and preventing theft and robbery. I hope the government will pay more attention to the safety of dealers.

He emphasized that the lottery industry is a legal industry and should not restrict its use of electronic payment tools. In particular, lottery dealers are mostly disadvantaged groups. Usually there are only one or two people in lottery shops during business hours. The cash flow is large and the security risk is high. I hope the government Open lottery banks can use electronic payment tools to reduce the risk of depositing cash.