Recruiters of the "Wagner" PVC are coming to the Russian colonies for the second time, from where they have already taken prisoners for the war in Ukraine.

This is reported by the Russian publication "Mediazon".

According to the publication, now the recruitment will take place less solemnly: the entire colony no longer lines up at the square, and the owner of "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigozhin himself no longer arrives by helicopter.

The prisoners stopped believing the promises of the "Wagnerians" and realized that going to war in Ukraine is not a way to get free, but to die.

"The last time [at the end of last year] a person who is in Bakhmut contacted me. He said that he regretted going there. He said that


of those who left here are alive," says a prisoner of one of the colonies in the Urals.

According to "Mediazona", if several hundred prisoners were called to go to war from one colony in the summer and autumn, now - only a few dozen.

The "Wagnerians" themselves are not ashamed to say that those who complained of poor health and refused to work

"have to be eliminated"

and warn that for desertion or surrendering prisoners they will be executed, like Yevhen Nuzhin who was killed with a sledgehammer.

"If someone surrenders, he will be


for 15 captured Ukrainians, 20, as many as needed, and before the formation he will be

demonstratively shot

. Well, you must have heard about it. And yes, we ordered covers for sledgehammers before the new year." , one of the prisoners relayed the mercenary's words.

What is known about PMK "Wagner" at the front

It was previously reported that Andriy Medvedev, the ex-commander of the "Wagner" PMC, escaped the pursuit of Russian border guards and fled to Norway.

There he asked for political asylum and said that he was afraid of extradition to both Russia and Ukraine.

It was the fugitive Andrii Medvedev who was the commander of Yevgeny Nuzhin, a prisoner killed with a sledgehammer, from the "Wagner" PVK detachment.

Adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vadym Denysenko, believes that Yevgeny Prigozhin

"will have enough people for 6-9 months"

if the current system of "disposing of Wagnerites" is maintained.

According to information from British intelligence, the recruitment of mercenaries in PMK "Wagner" has slowed down significantly in Russia.

Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of the President's Office, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated 77% of the "Wagneri" prisoners.

According to Russian human rights activists, only 10,000 of the 50,000 Russian prisoners recruited by the "Wagner" PEC to participate in the war in Ukraine remained at the front.

The rest were either killed, or wounded, or went missing, or deserted, or surrendered.

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