Russia may go on a new offensive and make another attempt to capture Ukraine, in particular to take Kyiv.

Astrologer Vlad Ross told "Glavred" about this.

The first dangerous period will be from February 5.

"In the first week of the month, Russian troops may launch an attack on Ukraine. And if Putin's (Kremlin leader - ed.) schizophrenia sharply worsens, they will also withdraw from the territory of Belarus. The probability of this scenario is 20-30%." - thinks Vlad Ross.

According to Ross's astrological forecast, Russian troops have little chance of reaching the positions in Kyiv Oblast in February-March 2022, that is, the suburbs of the capital.

"The chances of this are slim, none, but Putin has an obsessive idea - to surround Kyiv. Since last time the Russian troops looted everything in the suburbs of Kyiv on the right bank, this time, most likely, they will move through Chernihiv to get to Kyiv on on the left bank of the Dnieper," said Ross.

According to the astrologer, the second and most dangerous period is on the eve of February 24.

"Putin loves symbolic dates too much, so he will try to make February 24 the beginning of the Great Patriotic War 2.0. On February 22-25, there will be a very harsh aspect of Mars, the planet of war. Therefore, on the anniversary of Russia's attack on Ukraine, the orcs, their 300,000-strong army, can start attacking our country again," added Vlad Ross.

This could be an epochal moment for the Donetsk region.

If the weather favors the advance of troops from the north, then Russian troops will also leave the territory of Belarus.

"Putin wants to surround Kyiv and also seize the Rivne NPP. In my opinion, the probability of a second attack on Kyiv closer to the end of February is 50%, on the Rivne NPP - more. Be that as it may, the main battles will be in the Donetsk region, because the main Putin's goal now is to take Slavyansk and Kramatorsk," Vlad Ross gave his forecast.

The astrologer noted that in February 2023, a great danger for the Zaporizhia or Dnipropetrovsk regions is unlikely.

In this direction, according to him, the situation may get a little worse, even individual small breakthroughs of the enemy are possible, but there will be no major offensive of Russian troops there.

"What's more, in the Zaporizhzhia region, rather, the Armed Forces will unexpectedly create winning combinations," added Vlad Ross.

The astrologer also touched on Putin's personal horoscope and natal chart.

"Putin is a very indecisive person. He is a Libra, which is the most indecisive sign of the zodiac. And in Putin's horoscope, there is simply a cluster of planets in the sign of Libra," Ross explained.

However, whenever Russian troops start a new large-scale offensive, defeat awaits them, the astrologer is convinced.

"In Putin's natal chart in February 2023, Saturn, the symbol of the overthrow, will combine with the planet of his power - Jupiter. This indicates that at this time the most powerful blow will be dealt to the power of the master of the Kremlin. In fact, February will be the reference point for the fall of Putin, and it is in February that his power vertical will be broken," Ross explained.

A new attack on Ukraine, according to Ross, will turn into "a complete nightmare for Putin."

If Russian troops go on the offensive, Putin will definitely lose, Russia will face a complete defeat as early as March-April 2023, and in June, perhaps Crimea will be under Ukraine's control, if not all of it, then most of it.

Astrology, tarology, numerology, fortune-telling, divination, fortune-telling, psychics are not sciences, and predictions do not always come true 100%.

Information is quite often of an entertaining nature, so it should not be taken seriously, but only as a probability of events that every person can become the creator of if he has the strength of spirit and inspiration to change his life for the better.

In addition, 

according to astrologer Ross, the real Putin has not attended public events for a long time.

Earlier, the Russian opposition leader Oleksandr Nevzorov noted that the head of the Kremlin will not stop the war against Ukraine, because now it is "the only thing he has left". 

Read also:

  • There will be a "black moon" for Putin: astrologer Vlad Ross told how and in what year the war will end

  • Where the real Putin is hiding: astrologer Vlad Ross about the dictator's stay

  • The war with Russia on the Black and Azov Seas will not break out before the elections - an astrologer