The construction company Shaodong was involved in the crime of public danger and was convicted by the Kaohsiung Higher Branch Court.

(Photo by reporter Bao Jianxin)

[Reporter Bao Jianxin/Kaohsiung Report] A well-known construction company in Kaohsiung City, surnamed Shaodong Hong, was accused of using a wooden ladder to block the safety door of his residence, obstructing the escape routes of residents. He refused to accept the appeal, and the case was concluded by the Kaohsiung High Branch Court, where he was still convicted and sentenced to the same sentence.

The verdict pointed out that the defendant Hong Nan was a resident of a high-rise building in an apartment building in Kaohsiung City. He knew that elevator rooms No. 6 and No. 7 lead to the top-floor platform above the 21st floor, which can be used for emergency escape and refuge, and are connected to the safety door of the stairwell connected to the platform. It is an escape route.

At around 8:00 am on June 22, 2020, Hong conspired with an unknown person to hang the wooden ladder from the top of the platform first, and then Hong adjusted the placement of the wooden ladder, leading to the platform in the No. 6 and No. 7 stairs respectively. Outside the safety door, place a wooden ladder against the safety door to obstruct the escape route of the residents.

The cadres of the management committee of the building petitioned the police for investigation and handling of the case, and the whole case was referred to the law as a crime of public danger.

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Hong Yingxun pointed out that every time it rains heavily, rainwater will seep from the safety door on the top floor and the elevator cannot be used. Before the incident, there was a typhoon coming, and the safety door that could not be locked due to a malfunction kept knocking on the door frame, so one of the wooden ladders was placed , the other one was not released by him, and he denied committing a crime.

The district court opened a court investigation and found that Hong Nan had committed the crime of public danger and sentenced him to 3 months in prison. If Yike fined 1,000 yuan and converted it into 1 day, he appealed to the Kaohsiung Higher Branch Court. Judgment appeal dismissed and affirmed.